Friday, November 8, 2019
Drug Prevention Campaign Of Las Pinas City Essays
Drug Prevention Campaign Of Las Pinas City Essays Drug Prevention Campaign Of Las Pinas City Essay Drug Prevention Campaign Of Las Pinas City Essay Different anti-drug laws, agencies and campaigns are created by the government to address drug abuse. Republic Act 91 65, otherwise known as the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002, was promulgated by the Philippine Government to safeguard its citizen from the harmful effects of dangerous drugs. To ensure a more efficient implementation of the said act, it has provided the local government units with authority to formulate, enact and implement programs to control the increase of drug abuse within their locality. To guarantee a more effective implementation and enforcement of his Act to all the localities, a campaign is made to ensure its successful enforcement and implementation. The Drug Prevention Campaign Program is one of the programs of the national and local government in fighting against the drug dependency among all the levels of society. This program will be effective if the government will respond to the needs of the community and if it will incorporate strong monitoring and evaluating components in enforcing the campaign. Drug Prevention Campaign efforts typically focus on minors children and teens. This campaign aims to reduce the motivation of the individuals to use illicit drugs by increasing their knowledge about the potential negative consequences of drug use. According to Inn Hernandez Maillot (2011), drug Prevention Campaign in the Philippines was designed to contribute in the reduction on intake of illicit drugs among all sectors of society by raising the publics awareness and participation. The program is designed to educate the public of the different kinds of illegal drugs and issues associated with it. The campaign commonly uses primary preventive communication through advertising public relations and promotions, source development, and online communication activities. The researchers chose Lass Aphasia City as the local government unit to conduct an assessment of its citizens perception towards the drug prevention campaign implemented within its jurisdiction. The perception of the citizens towards a specific program or campaign of a local government is vital to its success. Governments efforts would not be effective without the help and the cooperation of the people in the community. For generations, the community has served a vital role in terms of offering camaraderie and of acting as a support system of the government. The idea of community may simply come down to supporting and interacting positively with other individuals who share similar interests. Community involvement is a very important aspect of development for any community no matter what the size is. Through community us port and involvement, assessment and understanding the needs of the population will be much easier. It provides a forum for the public to be informed and encourage them to actively be involved in decision making that may ultimately affect their community. Every government program to be successful demands the participation of its citizens. This study aims to determine the impact of citizens perception on decision making taken up by the local government in relation to drug prevention campaign. The researchers measured the perception of the citizens in order to determine whether positive feedback is an indicator of effectiveness or if negative feedback is indicative of program failure. According to Section 51 , Article 7 of Republic Act 91 65, Local Government Units Assistance, local government units shall appropriate a substantial portion Of their respective annual budgets to assist in or enhance the enforcement of this Act, giving rarity to preventive or educational programs and rehabilitation or treatment of drug dependents. This paper looked into how the citizens of Lass Pias City perceive the Drug Prevention Campaign being implemented by their Local Government Unit, more particularly the action taken by the local police and other task force created for the purpose. Conceptual F-ramekin Fig. 1 This figure shows the importance of citizens participation in influencing public decision. The City Government of Lass Pias, in coordination with the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PEED), exerts its fort to prevent drug addiction as well as other related crimes within its jurisdiction. Like all other local government units, it aims to protect its citizens from the various implications of illegal drugs. Republic Act 9165, otherwise known as the Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002, has been enacted to protect the society from the harmful effects of using and even selling illegal drugs. Thus, it prevents or reduces the massive supply and demand of these dangerous drugs. Being the implementing arm of the Dangerous Drugs Board, RA 91 65 authorizes PEED to conduct arrests, search and seizures and all other acts in accordance with the law. The law enforcers of the local government should work hand in hand with the said Board. In line with the problem at hand, the researchers of the study attempted to find out the current status of the drug prevention campaign of the law enforcers and the local government in the City of Lass Paisa and also the response of the community in supporting campaign of their local government officials. Statement of the Problem This study aims to determine the status of the drug prevention campaign implemented by the City of Lass Aphasia and its law enforcers and the receptiveness of the citizens in participating to the local governments managing and programs. Specifically, this study attempts to find the answers to the following questions: 1. What is the current status of drug related crimes in the City of Lass Paisa? 2. What is the present condition of Lass Paisa City campaign against drug addiction? 3. What actions are taken by the local government of Lass Aphasia and its law enforcement unit to prevent drug addiction or abuse? . In what ways does the community show its support in pa artic patting to the local governments campaign against drug addiction? 5. How effective is the drug prevention campaign program of Lass Aphasia City in monitoring and reducing the menacingly increasing number of drug dependents? Sass motions 1 . The local government of Lass Aphasia City is able to l essen, if not fully stub out instances of drug-related crimes within its jurisdiction. 2. Lass Aphasia City is successful with their campaign against drug addiction and was able to establish a drug-free community. . The local government and its law enforcers implement and disseminate the programs in relation to Republic Act 9165 to reduce and prevent the massive increase of drug abuse in Lass Paisa City. 4. The residents are aware and they are participating in the programs of the coal government and its law enforcement units in the campaign against drug abuse. 5. The local government of Lass Aphasia City effectively implements the drug prevention campaign program within its jurisdiction in terms of controlling or reducing the number of drug dependence. Scope and Delimitation The researchers focused on the inquiry about the perception of the citizens in relation to the effectiveness of the drug prevention campaign implemented within the local government of Lass Paisa City. The researchers started formulating their study from the month of December 2011 and ended May 2012. The researchers conducted surveys to the residents and interviews with different local officials of the local government unit. The survey done was limited to 30 respondents from each of the 10 randomly selected bargains within Lass Aphasia City. Significance of the Study This study will benefit the following: Local government and law enforcement Of Lass Pins City- This will help the local government of Lass Aphasia determine whether the projects and programs that are currently implemented in their locality are effective in eradicating or, at least, in lessening the problems of illegal drugs in their community. Parents. This will help them realize that they shall be primarily responsible for the education and awareness of the family members on the ill effects of dangerous drugs and to closely monitor the family members who may be susceptible to drug abuse. Youth. This will aid them to understand and become more aware of the negative implications of using illegal drugs not only to their health but to their future. The said awareness will hinder them from becoming drug users. Future Researchers. This will help encourage other researchers to conduct further studies in line with the implementation ND effectiveness of the said law not only in Lass Aphasia City but in other places in the Philippines. Definition of Terms Board or DB. Refers to the Dangerous Drugs Board under Section 77, Article IX of Republic Act 9165. Dangerous Drugs. Any chemical or biological substance consumed to alter ones mental and physical status and thus identified and prohibited by law. Drug Dependence. Based on the World Health Organization definition, it is a cluster of physiological, behavioral and cognitive phenomena of variable intensity, in which the use of psychoactive drug takes on a high priority thereby involving, among others, a strong desire r a sense of compulsion to take the substance and the difficulties in substance-taking behavior in terms of its onset, termination or levels of use. PEED. Refers to the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency under Article IX, Section 82 of Republic Act 9165. Pusher. Any person who sells, trades, administers, dispenses, delivers or gives away to another or any term, whatsoever, or distributes, dispatches in transit or transports dangerous drugs or who acts as a broker in any of such transactions in violation of the law. Rehabilitation Center. Any of the treatment and rehabilitation centers which administer the treatment, after-care and follow-up treatment of drug dependents. It includes institutions, agencies and the like whose purpose are: the development of skills, arts, and technical know-how; counseling; and/or inculcating civic, social, and moral values to drug patients, with the aim of weaning them from dangerous drugs and keeping them drug-free, adapted to their families and peers, and readjusted into the community as law abiding useful and productive citizens. Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature This chapter includes gathered information from books, journals, periodicals ND other on-line references which provided the researchers with facts and data used to support their claims in this study. Foreign Literature According to Foresee (1 993), drug abuse is rife in many countries. Billions of dollars are spent in preventing drug abuse and its proliferation. Drug abuse is not only a domestic problem, but also a worldwide issue. It has caused many different problems across all the levels of society. Drug Education is teaching and communicating to help people avoid harm caused by the abuse of various drugs (Wilson Colander, 201 1). Drug Education is usually done with young people in schools and it is also taught in some communities both the young and the old. According to Herman and Fox (1 970), one of the greatest difficulties in discussing drugs is the lack of understanding of the terminology used. Substances with abuse potential range from simple kitchen spices through common flowers and weeds to highly sophisticated drugs. All these substances may be divided into five categories: 1) narcotics, 2) sedatives, 3) tranquilizer, 4) stimulants, and 5) hallucinogens. Medically defined, narcotics are drugs which produce insensibility or stupor due to their depressant effect n the central nervous system. Included in this definition are opium, opium derivatives (morphine, codeine, and heroin) and synthetic opiates (unfeminine, methadone). As regulated by Federal Narcotics Law, the term narcotics also embraces the coca leaf and its derivative, cocaine. Pharmacologically, this drug is a stimulant, not a depressant, but for law enforcement purposes it is considered a narcotic. All other drugs susceptible to abuse are non-narcotics. According to Hanson and Venture (2008), many people think that todays problems with drug use and abuse are unique to this era. As one reads about ancient culture, however, one realizes that drug use has always been part Of human history. For example, the Grecian oracles of Delphi used drugs, Homers Cup of Helen induced sleep and provided freedom from care, and mandrake root supplied hallucinogenic belladonna compounds. There are numerous descriptions in ancient literature of the use of mushrooms, durra, hemp, marijuana, opium poppies, and so on. Under the influence of some of these, drugs many people experience extreme ecstasy or terror. Some old pictures of demons and devils look very much like those described by modern rug users during so-called bummers or bad trips, Witches beliefs that they could fly may have been drug induced because many of the natural preparations used in Witches brews induced the sensation of dissociation from the body -? in Other words, flying or floating. Some drug use can lead to attempts to regulate it legally. For instances, problem drinking is addressed in the Code of Hamburg (2240 B. C. And is described as a problem of men with too much leisure time and lazy dispositions. Nearly every culture has a part of its historical record laws controlling the use of a wide range of drugs, including tobacco. According to the book of Philip Bean (2008), for centuries many people and institutions have made efforts to limit the use and abuse of various drugs, mostly in the form of legal sanctions and restrictions enforced by governments. However, as democracy has proliferated, an increasing reliance on voluntary limits to promote education is called for. This is not to say that government controls are not widely implemented-a look at U. S. Government spending patterns shows otherwise but it is to say that drugs education has developed into a movement and an industry over the last 40 years. Paradoxically, the success of the prevention efforts led to public apathy. Politicians and other leaders took the cue and put drug abuse prevention on the back burner of policy formation and executive action. At the same time, violence, health care reform, welfare reform, and economic issues generated consternation and contentions debate. It is ironic that alcohol, tobacco and other drug abuse have ties to all of those issues, but somehow apathy remains widespread. This comprehensive approach has led to more awareness of the multiple causative factors of violence, such as poverty, unemployment, the easy availability of firearms, the breakdown of the family, TV and media presentations of violence, and, of course, drugs. All of these issues must be addressed if we are to have an impact on violent crime. Our interest here is particularly on drugs. Drugs are linked to crime in three ways. First, drug addicts commit crimes to support their illegal drug habits. These crimes are usually against property, such as shoplifting, purse snatching, burglary and money is the object. These addicts may become violent if a situation escalates, but violence is not their intent. This type of crime has been the intended result of government drug policies. This conclusion is tempered by the fact that addicts are involved in more crime than non-addicts, prior to the onset of drug abuse. The second connection between drugs and crime is the violence associated with the drugs trade. Potential profits are great, and those involved lack moral constraints against violence, so assault and homicide, are ordinary business practices. This connection was seen during the Prohibition Era when organized crime tried to supply the nations thirst for alcohol. Drug trade violence has been with all illegal drugs, including Arizona, amphetamines, heroin and cocaine. During the 1 9805, crack cocaine came on the scene, and this drug, in particular, was associated with the most excessive and vicious crime and violence drive-by shootings became a common phrase. The third relationship between drugs and crime is a pharmacological one. Consumers of mind-altering drugs can become irrational, excited, agitated or unable to control their anger and violent impulses. Foreign Studies The purpose of the study made by Mary Ann Pent and Gunned Gaur Joshua (2006) Translation in Tobacco and Drug Abuse Prevention Research, is to scribe the translation of research on tobacco and drug abuse prevention from basic science to program development to large-scale program dissemination, and from animal to human studies. Relevant continuity of translation is discussed by referring to two variables that have been studied for their potential relationship to drug use risk in both animals and humans: sensation and novelty seeking and low impulse control. Review of the research indicates relatively slow translation until the early 1 sass. The authors recommend several mechanisms to promote more rapid translation cross types of research that encourage reciprocal rather than unidirectional transmission of knowledge to expedite the development and diffusion of more timely, targeted drug abuse prevention programs. Local Literature According to Llamas (2009), to enhance a quick and comprehensible study of the Dangerous Drugs Act and its application is simply by requiring much effort in understanding the penalties to be imposed for a particular drug or group of drugs. The purpose of law enforcement and of the institution and prosecution of criminal cases and other related proceedings in this Act will to be enough because when you put the law in motion, this will require a basic or working knowledge of pertinent provisions of the rules of criminal procedure and evidence. It is in the non-observance of these legal procedures or rules that criminal cases are sometimes dismissed although the evidence against an accused is strong. To provide a comprehensive knowledge of the Dangerous Drugs Act and how it works for those presently engaged, or in the future, may engage in the business or profession of law enforcement or related works. The author has incorporated into this book a discussion of epics that include basic rules of criminal procedure and evidence, law enforcement methods and pertinent judicial precedents. The subject of the Dangerous Drugs Act is crucial in addressing the problems on illegal drugs. It is, therefore, a must for everybody, especially public officers engaged in law enforcement and related works, lawyers, prosecutors and judges, to be well informed about the different facets concerning dangerous drugs; their sources; manner of preparation and use; how they work and affect users; what physical signs to watch out that will indicate drug use, abuse or diction. Local Studies The undergraduate thesis made by Sanding, Cortez and Metrical entitled Assessment of the Local Government Response to Drug Addiction in the Municipality of Dissimilar, Cavity 1994 ;1998 found out that the local government of Dissimilar has programs for their anti-drug campaign such as the creation of the Municipal Physical Fitness and Sports Development Council (MFC). In this study, the citizens of Dissimilar affirmed that they are aware of the program regarding preventive education and information found in newspapers. However, the citizens are not aware of the said aerogram of the Local Government of Municipality of Dissimilar because of some reasons such as lack of funds, poor implementation and lack of participation from the community. Chapter 3 Methodology This part contains discussions about the method used, sources of data, data instruments and respondents. Research Method and Design The research design used in the study is the Mixed Method of research. According to Crewel (201 2), Mixed Method of Research approaches the inquiry of the combination and association of both qualitative and quantitative forms of research. It involves philosophical assumptions that dude the direction of the collection and analysis of data and the mixture of qualitative and quantitative approaches in many phases in the research process. It focuses on collecting, analyzing and data mixing of both quantitative and qualitative data in a single study or series of studies. Its central premise is that the use of quantitative and qualitative approaches in combination provides a better understanding of research problems than either approach alone. According to the definition, mixed method of research involves both collecting and analyzing qualitative and quantitative data. Quantitative data includes closed-ended information such as those found on attitude, behavior or performance instruments. In contrast, qualitative data consists Of open-ended information that the researcher gathers through interviews with participants. The general, open-ended questions asked during these interviews allow the participants to supply answers in their own words. The researchers conducted surveys and interviews with persons of authority over data regarding the topic. Sources of Data The monthly reports of the drug abuse cases and the drug abuse crime related incidents from January 2011 to April 201 2 were taken from the Philippine National Police Station of Lass Pias City. For topics related to education, information dissemination, creation and implementation of programs in relation to drug prevention campaign of the locality, the researchers conducted an interview with the Lass Aphasia City Anti-Drug Abuse Council representatives and personnel. The procedure of assessment, recommendation and acceptance for rehabilitation of drug dependents were gathered from the Lass Paisa City Anti-Drug Abuse Council, Rehabilitation Division. Furthermore, the researchers also conducted interviews with officials of different agencies of the government. The information gathered from the said interviews were vital in the completion of this study. The names of the said interviewees are provided for in the next item. Data Instruments Survey. The researchers conducted a survey with randomly selected residents of Lass Aphasia City with 30 respondents for each of the 10 barraging. This was done to help the researchers establish a background on the perception of the citizens regarding the programs created, implemented, and enforcement of the Act by the Lass Pias City Anti-Drugs Abuse Council and the Local police Force. Moreover, the researchers had the opportunity to gauge the effectiveness and efficiency of the Lass Aphasia City Anti-Drugs Abuse Council and the Lass Paisa City Police Department campaign through the citizens response in the survey. The researchers conducted an interview with Mrs.. Mallow Cobol, the technical assistant of Hon.. Oscar C. Penal (incumbent City Councilor of Lass Pias) about the budget and funding of the Anti-Drug Abuse Council. The researchers also conducted an interview with Mrs.. Maria Castillo, Lass Paisa City Anti-Drug Abuse Council staff, Rehabilitation Division, regarding the recommendation, assessment and acceptance for rehabilitation process of rug dependents. To be able to acquire data about the role of the local government in education and distribution of information regarding the drug prevention campaign of the locality, the researchers interviewed Mr.. Andrea D. Pedro, Technical Assistant for Education of Office of the Mayor. In relation to the number of felons caught per month on crimes related to drug abuse and the measures taken up by the law enforcers of Lass Paisa City, the researchers interviewed police Senior Superintendent Ormolu Spatula, Chief of Police of Lass Aphasia City. Respondents Lass Pias City is divided into 20 bargains. These bargains are grouped into two legislative districts, each with its own set of representatives in the city council. All captains of the bargains in Lass Aphasia City, being on the front line and having a direct hand over the problem of the populace, were considered as respondents. The researchers conducted the sun,eye in 10 randomly selected bargains with 30 respondents each, all of whom are residents thereof. Chapter 4 presentation, Interpretation and Analysis Of Data This chapter shows the results of the survey, interview and other important data relevant to the study of the researchers in line with the perceptions of he citizens of Lass Pias City regarding the drug prevention campaign of the City Government of Lass Aphasia and its law enforcers.
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