Tuesday, August 6, 2019
Required Skills For Collaborative Learning Nursing Essay
Required Skills For Collaborative Learning Nursing Essay First of all, Collaboration learning is Inter-professional education which focuses on training all health care professionals the needed skills necessary to effectively learn and work inter professionally. Department of health (2000) was essential means for inclusion of inter professional learning and working as an agenda for health and social care. During the class seminars, I acknowledged that the skills taught in these lessons would be fundamental for a successful collaborative working in practice. I recognise communication, knowledge, beliefs, team working, and consent as the skills required from collaborative learning. Cooper et al (2001) supported that, the benefit of collaborative learning strategy and include the effects upon student knowledge, attitudes, skills and belief and particular on the understanding of professional roles and team working. Moreover, when I reflected back the scenario during the seminars, I realised that, reflection as a tool use to find out a new methods of delivery out a duty that may have been difficult. I discover some mistakes that were not obvious while I was tried to solve the case study myself. It can be argued that we learn more through physical experience rather than reading from a text book. Jasper (2003) indicated that, knowledge that we gain using reflective method is different from the assumption that provides the knowledge underpinning our practice. During the seminars, I joined student nurses, physiotherapist, radiographers, paramedics and social workers. When I reflected back on the case scenarios, I noticed that there were great communication mistakes within all the health professionals in their care delivery to Daisy in scenario 1. While reflecting I also notice that, there was lack of team working among the professionals. Kenny (2002) recommended that even if the principle of inter professional learning and working were emerging there was little evidence to suggest it was being embraced by the health care team in the practice areas. Furthermore, Communication skills are crucial in collaborative learning, it improves the care development and it ensures that all health professionals involved in the patients care are conscious of the patients condition and development. In practice communication is also essential to gain consent from patients in order to give them good health care such as personal care, and giving them injections. Code of Conduct (NMC, 2010), states that all nurses must use excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Their method of communication must always be secure, helpful, kindly and polite. The code also indicates that nurses ought to have the skill to work with service users to be able to deliver care. In practice I realise that keeping record is also a form of written communication. What health professionals write in the patients medical notes is vital information that needed to be shared with other health professionals. For example, In case scenario 2, it was the record keeping that reveal the numbers of times Timothy visited the A E. In Timothy case, he was been abuse by his own mother. Moreover, when admitting a new patient on to the ward one way of getting information about the patient is reading the previous medical notes. In addition, according to NMC (2010) record keeping of medical notes should always be in adequate detail, precise and all decisions prepared concerning the patients care ought be kept securely and recorded even if this was done as a form of written communication or over the phone. Patients notes should also explain why these decisions were made and who initiated these decisions. Patient or service user medical notes or care plans have to be complete as soon as possible therefore, the time and dates should always be stated, referrals should constantly be integrated and reassessments should be made and confirmed by all the health professionals involved in the patients care. In addition, original records should never be altered or tampered with in any way. Nurses must also carefully explain all the treatment or touching that will occur when obtaining consent (Griffith and Tengnah, 2010). Moreover, upon reflecting on the case scenario 2, the five years old boy who was abuse by his own mother? I realise that, for the boy to be protected, all the inter professional will have to work together. This indicate that team working which is been applied in my practice is very important within all health certain. It has been said that, government legislation and policies have introduced partnership working for health and social care, which led to inter professional team working becoming the preferred model for working (Quninney 2006). Hall (2005) also support team working is about professionals carrying out their role, while working in collaboratively with other professional to achieve common goal. Team working also promote effective ways of meeting the needs of patient / Service users. However, in practice I observed that continuing professional in a multidisciplinary team has a helpful impact on how flourishing the health professional work inter-professionally. My viewpoint of being professional is: respecting confidentiality and having a non-judgemental approach, regarding all service users and given that equal opportunities, safeguarding all service users, and maintaining a professional therapeutic relationship, with the service users as well as respecting, the job role of other health professionals. Kasar, et al (1996) suggest that being professional they commonly, anticipate professional arrangement, presentation, Initiative, empathy, administration, teamwork, decision-making and excellent verbal and written communication skills. Even though, inter professional working or team work among professional create a wider safety net to avoid vulnerable children and adult at risk from slipping from through the safety between health social cares. However, Hallet and Thompson, (2001) argues that without team work the potential of practice governance is not achievable. Accountability was one of skills I gain from the collaborative learning during IPE seminars. All through in practice I found that when collaboratively working, the nurses were usually positive regarding the care of their patients. However, they were accountable for the decisions they made even if the decisions were made whiles working collaboratively. According to Griffith and Tengnah (2010) a registered nurse would be professionally and lawfully responsible for their conduct, in spite of of whether they are following the instruction of another. On the other hand, ethics is used to design to preserve respect and health, avoid mistakes, keep patient safe and defend the privacy of the patient / service user. I observed in practice that, as a student nurse, I must be of high integrity, be willing to developed professionally and have a good moral character. Thompson, Melia and Boyd (2000) explained that morals and ethics are terms often used to refer to social customs and explain their rights and wrongs, in theory and practice, of human behaviour. In practice, I observe that I have to treat each patient /service user as individual and equally, despite their race, social background, illness or their way of life. As is the duty of nurse is to show compassion and care to all patients. This entire attribute are due the guidelines in nursing (NMC 2008). In practice, I observed, there was one particular patient who was refusing treatment and all the necessary care for three weeks. I took the opportunity to apply my ethics; I was able to persuade him into accepting all the care provided for the sake his recovery. In conclusion, I have learned that collaborative learning can improve quality of care delivery to patient / servicers users. Through the skills and knowledge that was shared from the other inter-professionals. Communication and team work are very essential requirement skills to provide patient / service users good quality of life. Overall I have found it is very important to act in the knowledge as you can, to prevent any condition arising. I have been able to recognise my weaknesses that can now turn into strength. I believe now that I have learned a lot from this experience, with assurance that, it will make me better student nurse, importantly, be a qualify nurse. References: Cooper, H. Carlisle, C. Gibbs, T. and Watkins, C (2001) Developing an Evidence base for interdisciplinary learning. Department of Health (2001) Working Together Learning Together. Department of Health, London. Griffith, R. Tengnah, C. (2010) Law and professional issues in nursing. (2rd ed.) London Learning Matters Ltd Hall, P. (2005). Interprofessional teamwork: Professional cultures as barriers. Journal of Interprofessional Care. Jasper, M. (2003) Beginning Reflective Practice. London: Nelson Thornes Ltd. Kasar, J. Clark, N. Watson, D. Pfister, S. (1996). Professional Development Assessment. Unpublished form. Kenny, G. (2002) Inter professional working: opportunities and challenges Nursing Standard Marks-Maran, D. Rose, P. (1997). Beyond Art and Science- Reconstructing Nursing. London. Bailliere Tindall. NMC (2010) Standards for pre-registration Nursing Education London: NMC. NMC (2rd Edition), September. (2010). Guidance on professional conduct for nursing and midwifery student. Quinney, A. (2006) Collaborative Social Work Practice edited by Jonathan Parker and Greta Bradley Leaning Matters. Thompson, I. Melia, K. Boyd, K. (2000). Nursing ethics. London: Churchill Livingstone
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