Saturday, August 10, 2019

Interpersonal Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Interpersonal Communication - Essay Example There are some ways through which this conflict can be stated as good. For instance, this conflict shall influence all team members to be focused on group work. On the other hand, it would also be beneficial in individual context since team members shall be more responsible.Different individuals do not perceive things in same manner. I might consider things from completely different perspective which is not aligned with viewpoint of other team members. This can also be one of the reasons behind identified interpersonal conflict.There was prolonged conflict because I believed that there was no fault of mine. I did not communicate with my team member appropriately to determine the reasons behind such behavior. I kept on arguing in that situation where understanding was essential between both of us.I did possess a set of realistic goals in this scenario. We all were putting in our efforts so that we succeed in our career path. The only objective of mine in this argument was to make him realize that apart from expertise, professionalism is a key criterion to achieve set performance standards.I was to certain extent trying to win this conflict because my team member was reluctant to accept his fault. The disagreement continued because I could not trust his unrealistic excuses for not attending group presentation on time.Conflict resolution can be considered as a critical phenomenon. This is simply because it is difficult to predict behavior of an individual with whom one has entered into a conflict.

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