Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Germans that you hold to be true and admire Essay

Germans that you hold to be true and admire - Essay Example All they want is clear and overt expression of the underlying feel that makes them say what they want. Americans are not much different either. Americans also feel comfortable making direct and straightforward speech. Both Germans and Americans prefer direct and meaningful expression, and both are quite straightforward in general. Germans are truthful in their speech. The confidence that reflects in their straightforwardness originates in their truthfulness. If they commit to someone, they do so by heart and mean it. They are not double faced people, unlike most of the people belonging to other nations. Their words are meaningful because Germans are very dutiful. Most Americans are also dutiful, though there is also a significant population in America that does not fulfill its commitments to others in various matters of daily life. Germans do not waste time. According to Germans, if a job is done correctly but has not been done within the assigned time, this goes against the work eth ics. German work ethics place huge emphasis on punctuality, and so do the Americans. Works cited: â€Å"Truth and Duty.† Culture Smart! Germany. pp. 41-42.

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