Tuesday, June 18, 2019

International Relations Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

International Relations - Research Paper ExampleIntergovernmental organizations are formed to address specific issues much(prenominal) as security, trade, the welfare of refugees and children, environmental conservation and management and food safety. These intergovernmental organizations engage nation-states to reach agreements, treaties and protocols that bind and which are crucial to solving some of the issues that characterize international relations. Multi-national corporations are large, wealthy, and it is impossible to deny their influence on the international stage. Multi-national corporations play a controversial role in many aspects of the foreign policy of nation-states, that their participation is considered good politics and business. Multinational corporations create many opportunities for employment and the huge profits they make increase the wealth of nations. Non-governmental organizations actively participate in international activities that are common to many na tion-states. Non-governmental organizations tackle a variety of issues that include poverty, human skilfuls, gun control and provision of education. Non-governmental organizations that address human right issues operate across nation-states and which focus on protecting human rights. Intergovernmental organizations, multi-national corporations, and non-governmental organizations have enhanced their influence in international activities, and it is impossible to ignore their participation blatantly. These one-third act as the thread that connects the nation-states of the world together.

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