Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Answering 2 questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Answering 2 questions - Assignment Example My personal contributions will aim at fulfilling some holes in the research topic by bringing in ideas that seek to affirm contentious issues in the topic. I believe that I will be able to offer sufficient support for my claims as well as highlighting the myths and misconceptions surrounding the topic. I think the final choices of peers are valid as they can form the basis for a credible research topic. In relation my selected topic, I have seen many things that may alter my view of the subject. First of all, television commercial are not only based in emotions as I had earlier stated but they are also based on some known facts. They not only appeal to our emotions but some of them are based on things that we cannot do without and as a result, the advertisements are just a matter of conveying the information and not appealing for convince us through emotional approach. I have discovered that logos can also be applied in commercials by stating the logic behind the need to consume some products. According to the definition of research as depicted in the lecture notes, it is about creation of a topic and not just writing on the topic. This means that one must come up with new ideas and strategies that have never been handled conclusively and the debate on them rages on. This is a new insight to me as far as research writing is concerned. I will now focus more on the coming up with new ideas as opposed to the ones already known and proved. By taking this approach, I will be able to write one of the best papers and fill all the knowledge gaps in my research
Art project and two Journals M3-M4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Art project and two Journals M3-M4 - Essay Example In order to draw, there must be a drawing material. There are two kinds of drawing material: the dry media and the liquid media. Dry media are those materials that appear in stick form. They are dragged over the paper and other surface and they leave trace of particles that create the drawing. There are many kinds of dry drawing materials such as graphite, metal point, charcoal, crayon, pastel and chalk. Liquid media are those materials that use brush and pen to apply ink over the surface. Painting is done with the use of brush and paints applied on various kinds of canvasses. There are many kinds of paintings such as encaustic, frescoes, tempera and others. Many artists have done several amazing paintings throughout history. Concept Fresco is an interesting type of painting. It uses pigments with water and applied on walls and ceilings. It is a high form of painting where they are applied in large scale murals even from the ancient times. It is not done easily as it requires physica l labor as well as good contemplation before the art is done. Most of the works done in churches are done in frescos. It is amazing to note that the canvass used by artist to do the art is so large, yet the outcome is exquisite and perfect. Many of the renaissance artists such as Michelangelo had done many frescos with religion and Christianity as theme. There are many other artists that have done frescoes and they are worth seeing and consider as priceless treasures. Artist Michelangeloââ¬â¢s frescoes done in the Sistine Chapel ceiling is truly amazing. His art covers the entire ceiling covering both end walls. The canvass that he has painted is so large. He truly is an art virtuoso as he was able to do the fresco while heads up looking at the ceiling. The total outcome is balanced, colorful, full-bodied, dynamic and perfect in all its sense. Chapter 8, 9 and 10 Summary: Prints, camera, computer and graphic arts are the modern type of arts. Prints are those images done on matrix to leave lasting impressions. These are the arts seen on sneakers, shirts, and others. There are many kinds of prints such as woodcut engraving, engraving, intaglio, linocut, relief, drypoint, etching, lithography, aquatint, mezzotint, photogravure, screen printing, inkjet, monotype, and many more. There are various medium and tools to use in making prints. Camera and computer are not just technological gadgets that are used for business but they are also important in art. These modern day machines make art easy and reproducible. Camera captures moments and these captured moments are printed to make impressions lasts forever. Computers are necessary to create advance and sophisticated graphics. Graphic designs are sophisticated form of art that produces dynamic output. It is a combination of words, pictures, and symbols to create image. Most businesses today use graphic design in their logos, websites, slogans, and company branding. Higher level designs are interactive, dynamic and three-dimensional. With the use of internet, these graphics get even more sophisticated. The art before are two dimensional, but with the presence of these modern technological tools such as cameras, computers, graphics, prints and internet, three dimensional and dynamic arts are being done easy and fast. Concept Some of the most fascinating kinds of prints are the wood engraving and linocut. Engraving is a high level work of art as it requires expertise. Wood engraving uses
Monday, October 28, 2019
Hong Kong Identity Essay Example for Free
Hong Kong Identity Essay Politic: July 1st, 2003 Protest Agenda 1. Introduction â⬠¢ 1. 1. What is identity politic â⬠¢ 1. 2. Political events that have affected HK Identity 2. July1st, 2003 protest 3. Conclusion 1. 1. What is Identity Politic â⬠¢ Identity politics: Identity as a politic â⬠¢ Development of identity politic â⬠¢ Past v. s Present Introduction July 1st Protest Conclusion 1. 2. Political events that affected HK Identity Tiananmen Square After WWI: Refugee Identity Mistrust of Chinese Government Article 23 After 1960: Local HK Identity 1997 Handover 2013 Introduction July 1st Protest Conclusion 2. July1st, 2003 protest â⬠¢ Annual protest led by Civil Human Rights Front â⬠¢ Article 23 â⬠¢ The Hong Kong SAR shall enact laws on its own to prohibit any act of treason, secession, sedition, subversion against the Central Peoples Government, or theft of state secrets, to prohibit foreign political organizations or bodies from conducting political activities in the Region, and to prohibit political organizations or bodies of the Region from establishing ties with foreign political organizations or bodies Introduction July 1st Protest Conclusion Concerns Pros â⬠¢ British government also had repressive acts â⬠¢ e. g Society Ordinance and the Public Order Ordinance Cons â⬠¢ Police is allowed to enter houses and arrest people without warrant/evidence â⬠¢ No freedom of speech â⬠¢ Violation of Article 23 can result in a life term in a prison â⬠¢ Any organization can be banned by PRC Conclusion Introduction July 1st Protest HK people identity Identity of general HK people â⬠¢ Pragmatism â⬠¢ Individualism â⬠¢ Narrowing gap between HK people/ mainlanders: ambitious, adaptable, practical and clever â⬠¢ Widening gap between HK people/ mainlanders : valuing free speech, press freedom, privacy and equality Introduction July 1st Protest Conclusion HK people identity Parties that affect HK people identity HK people identity British colonial period rule of law, democracy, freedom of speech Chinese Government formal education, flag-raising ceremonies visits to the mainland Introduction July 1st Protest Conclusion Identity illustrated by July 1st, 2003 â⬠¢ Widening gap â⬠¢ Antagonism vs. Pragmatic Nationalism and Liberalized Nationalism â⬠¢ Cosmopolitan identity: HKââ¬â¢s dream, opportunities in society, has affected to localââ¬â¢s commitment to democracy Introduction July 1st Protest Conclusion 3. Conclusion â⬠¢ Evident that Article 23 politic widened the gap of ââ¬Å"issue in rights of HK peopleâ⬠ex. Free speech, press freedom, valuing privacy, valuing equality â⬠¢ But still the trend is that people feel less gap with mainlanders â⬠¢ ainlandââ¬â¢s characteristic change â⬠¢ HK people affected by mainland governmentââ¬â¢s media, education, and ceremonies. â⬠¢ No identity is perfectly coherent; there is inconsistencies Introduction July 1st Protest Conclusion Questions to discuss â⬠¢ What are the evolving features of the local political identity, culture and participation â⬠¢ What is the essence of the confli cts between the local and national identities of HK people? â⬠¢ What are the reasons for the rise of new activism, and what is its impact? Introduction July 1st Protest Conclusion
Macbeths path to evil Essay Example for Free
Macbeths path to evil Essay In Macbeth, it is clear that Macbeth at the start of the play is a different person to Macbeth at the end of the play. During the course of the play, he changes a great deal, most obviously from a good and faithful thane of Scotland to a cruel and ruthless king. At the beginning of the play, he is at his noblest. He has shown great courage and loyalty: brave Macbeth well he deserves that name, and is considered a hero by Duncan, the king, for ending the rebellion in Scotland, and is thought trustworthy: O valiant cousin! worthy gentleman! He is a great warrior and one of the leaders of the Scottish army: like valours minion carvd out his passage. Yet he is ambitious, and this leads him to become a terrible king, moving from one act of violence to another, seeing one threat after another, so killing conscience and pity. As he is king of Scotland, his evil floods Scotland, making it horribly unnatural and filled with fear: A falcon/Was by a mousing owl hawkd at and killd. However, at the end of the play he still shows that he has not lost his courage as he dies fighting: Exeunt, fighting, but it is somewhat diminished and his fear has grown as earlier in the play he is scared of the apparitions: But no more sights! Yet at the beginning of the play he fought a bloody and gruesome battle in which a single, detached, armoured head (the appearance of the first apparition) would not have been an uncommon sight. It could be said that at the end of the play Macbeth is a villain, as Malcolm does: this dead butcher, or that he is a tragic hero, as he fought, knowing that Macduff would kill him: And thou opposd, being of no woman born, /Yet I will try the last. In order to be a tragic hero however, he needs a tragic flaw. This could either be his ambition, which causes him to be willingly swayed by the witches and risk everything, or it could be his courage, as he does not realise that courage is sometimes the ability to say no. But Shakespeares audience would more than likely consider him bound for Hell, as he at no point in the play asks for forgiveness. One of the beliefs on which Christianity is built is that no matter what people do on Earth, if they ask for forgiveness they will be forgiven by God, and Shakespeares audience would mostly have been made up of faithful Christians. No matter what people do to redeem themselves, God does not forgive them unless they ask to be. But this change from good to evil does not happen overnight. It is triggered at the beginning by the witches, who open the play in the most unnatural of ways for a Shakespearian tragedy. The scene is very short, only 12 lines long, and it is unnatural in every way possible. The three witches are supernatural beings: you should be women, /And yet your beards forbid me to interpret/That you are so, the weather is unnatural and violent, even the incantatory poetry that Shakespeare gives them is unnatural, as no one else in the play ever speaks in the same way as they do. It is a prologue to the evil events that will occur throughout the play. They have planned out everything and know exactly what will happen when they tell Macbeth that he will be king one day: There to meet with Macbeth, All hail, Macbeth! that shalt be King hereafter. Throughout the play, Macbeth tries to control the witches, yet he never can: Speak, I charge you. Witches vanish, and he tries the same with the apparitions, and is scolded by the witches: He knows thy thought: /Hear his speech, but say thou nought. He does not realize that he cannot control either Fate or such unearthly creatures as the witches. Also throughout the play, the witches treat Macbeth as one of their own, and he does not realise that he finds them only because they want him to: Something wicked this way comes. /Open locks, /Whoever knocks. Shakespeare makes this comparison between them in Macbeths very first line, by giving him almost the exact same words as he gave the witches: So foul and fair a day I have not seen. The witches are also significant to Shakespeares audience because there are three of them. There has always been an ancient superstition that the number three is a magical number, yet most of the Shakespearian audience would immediately associate it with the Holy Trinity Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. In Macbeth this has been inverted, as so many other things are. Instead, there is an Infernal Trinity; the three witches or a more elaborate one, made up of the witches, Macbeth, and Lady Macbeth. Still, there could also be an incarnation of the Holy Trinity in Macbeth, represented by Macduff, Malcolm, and Banquo. Macbeths progression to evil is chiefly marked out by his soliloquies and the murders that he performs, or orders. He starts as a mighty and noble warrior, killing rebels for his King and country. Then, once his ambition has started to take over, he goes on to kill Duncan, an innocent, defenceless, old man: Most sacrilegious murder hath broke ope/the Lords anointed temple. He puts much thought into this before performing the deed, debating with himself whether to do it or not: Hes here in double trust/his host, /Who should against his murderer shut the door/Not bear the knife myself. And once he has performed the horrific deed, he regrets it bitterly: Wake Duncan with thy knocking! I would thou couldst! His hesitation however, is not the hesitation of fear, as he has a terrible courage, but of an intimate, buried knowledge between right and wrong. Then he goes on to kill Banquo, though not personally. He gives less thought to this deed: There is none but he/Whose being I do fear; and he does not regret the deed at all, yet is petrified of Banquos ghost at the coronation banquet. Banquo, when he is killed, knows what has transpired: I fear, /Thou playdst most foully for t. He knows how Macbeth became king and that he killed Duncan, and also knows that he is behind his own murder: O treachery! Macbeth finally orders the murders of Lady Macduff and her children: give to the edge of the sword/His wife, his babes. While killing men was considered a great crime, killing a woman and her children was considered a much worse crime. This is done without second thought and never regrets it at all; he never mentions it to himself after it has occurred: The very firstlings of my heart shall be/The firstlings of my hand. As he becomes increasingly evil, so Scotland becomes increasingly unnatural. This is most obviously shown when Banquo dies to save Fleance, a parent sacrificing himself for his childs life, which is natural: Fly, good Fleance, fly, fly, fly! Later in the play however, it is clear that Scotland has become more unnatural as the Son dies in an attempt to save Lady Macduff, a child sacrificing himself for his parents life: He has killd me, mother: /Run away; I pray you! This is unnatural and fails, as both Lady Macduff and her Son die. Finally, another sign of Macbeths descent to evil is that he becomes more and more secluded. This is mainly shown by the increasing amount of soliloquies that Shakespeare gives him, but is also shown by his relationship with Lady Macbeth. At the beginning of the play they are a happy couple, who love each other intensely: my dearest partner of greatness, yet as the play progresses, especially after Duncans murder, Macbeth separates himself from his wife, and once he is king, she must ask to see him: Say to the king, I would attend his leisure. All Macbeths deeds are consequently thought out by himself, unlike the murder of Duncan, in which Lady Macbeth did most of the thinking and planning: Leave all the rest to me, and Macbeth keeps Lady Macbeth out of the murder of Banquo even when she asks him what he is planning: Be innocent of the knowledge/Till thou applaud the deed. All of these points show how Macbeth becomes increasingly evil throughout the play, eventually becoming a much feared villain, or a tragic hero.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Female Characters in The Ivory Swing and The Tiger in theTiger Pit Essa
Female Characters in The Ivory Swing and The Tiger in theTiger Pit à à à à à With " beautifully executed images", Janette Turner Hospital creates four vivid female character in her two novels.à The four characters are Juliet and Yashoda in The Ivory Swing and Elizabeth and Emily in The Tiger in theTiger Pit .à Each of the above is invested by Turner Hospital with a deep consciousness. à à à à à à à à à In the view of Janette Turner Hospital, women are immensely uncertain.à They are never sure of what they want. However, when it comes to dealing with external conflicts, they are very strong-willed.à On the other hand, she also indicates that maternal love is strong.à Women have passionate beliefs in the importanceà of the family.à As the stories follow, these feminine personalities are gradually proved. à à à à à à à à à Before leaving for India, Juliet had a hard time deciding whether to stay with her professor husband, David, or move to Montreal to stay with her former lover Jeremy. Uncertain as usual, all Juliet wants is to " maintain the balancing act."à à She could never summon up the courage to face new circumstances.à Her mind is never firm enough to challenge the present state.à So she makes her choice in the order of morality.à She stays with her husband and leaves for India with him.à It is more likely that the fate designated Juliet's future.à She is married to Dave on her own accord. Therefore, she does what a good wife is supposed to do. à à à à à à à 1. Reviewed in : Booklist v.79 p.994 Apr 1, 1983 à à à à à à 2. " The Ivory Swing " p.18 à à à à à à à à à à In Kerala, where David is on sabbatical to study primitive Indian culture, the couple encounter... ...hat the situations are, women would suffer to protect their children.à Maternal love is always shown in the first place.à On top of the above, Tuner Hospital also implies that women have passionate belief in family.à Both of the two books The Ivory Swing and The Tiger in the Tiger Pit are written sensitively.à Yet the latter is not as successful as the former one.à " 50th wedding anniversaries and family reunions of any kind ought to be left to the manufacturers of greeting cards." à à à à à à 12. " Life with Father " by Judith Fitzgerald à à à à à à à à à Reviewed in : Books in Canada v.12 p.33 Nov 1983 à BIBLIOGRAPHY : HOSPITAL, JANETTE TURNER,THE TIGER IN THE TIGER PIT.à TORONTO, McCLELLAND & STEWART LTD. : 1987. HOSPITAL, JANETTE TURNER,THE IVORY SWING.à TORONTO, McCLELLAND & STEWART LTD. : 1982. Ã
Service based economy in the U.S. :: essays research papers
Now that the United States has changed from an industrial based economy to a more service oriented economy, it means that our economic revenues are now primarily comprised by the prevalence of intangible assets, provided by services and technology for example, and less by tangible assets by means of physical labor in factories and other manufacturing industries. Because of this change, industrial production and output have been experiencing a major falloff as jobs in factories, farms, and mines that were once plentiful, are being eliminated, while jobs in the growing services sector, such as in technologies, telecommunications, and entertainment are experiencing a massive growth. We say that we are heading toward a more global economy because of the fact that competition in todayââ¬â¢s markets is global. This means that corporations in the United States can compete in foreign markets and vice versa, therefore U.S. corporations and foreign corporations become interdependent and thrive off each other. This can have a good impact on the United States because it allows U.S. corporations to seek materials and labor outside of the U.S. in countries such as China, India, and Mexico, where workers are paid a lot less money than U.S. workers, thus allowing them to sell their products for significantly cheaper than if they were produced in the U.S.; however, the tradeoff is that many American workers in the industrial sector lose jobs due to this shift of labor to overseas. In the long run this will be beneficial for the U.S. and although some percentage of workers are losing work, new jobs in the services sector, in fields such as computer technology, telecommunica tions, and language skills are opening up and experiencing growth because of this change.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Plagiarism and the Internet :: Cheating Educational Essays Papers
Plagiarism and the Internet In the days before computers research had to be done solely in books, articles, or on personal interviews. It was not so easy to attain an abundance of valuable information so quickly. Now children are taught from early ages to utilize the computer and the Internet. Searching school topics on web browsers is common knowledge for todayà ¦Ã s youth. But with this breakthrough technology also comes consequences and rising disputes. Is the information that Internet-users are finding valid sources? What legal restrictions does one have in using those sources? Are the sources themselves legal? Students à ¡cuttingà ¡ material from a variety of different sites and à ¡pastingà ¡ them into a word document as if it were their own work has become a common practice among high school and college students. According to the Salt Lake Tribune, seventy-five percent of students admit to committing à ¡academic dishonestyà ¡, however only twenty-five percent of students from the same populous consider à ¡cutting and pastingà ¡ to be the only serious form of cheating (Southard 2). A national survey conducted by Education Week estimated that fifty-four percent of students admitted to plagiarizing information from the Internet ( 1). At the University of California-Berkley officials have stated that there was an averaged seven hundred and forty-four percent increase in cheating between the years of 1993 to 1997 (Plagiarism Statistics à ¡ Did You Know 1). Perhaps one of the reasons for this drastic increase of cheating is the easiness in which one can find the documents that they plagiarize. Popular websites such as à ¡www.schoolsucks.comà ¡ and à ¡www.a1-termpapers.comà ¡ provide immoral and slacking students with hundreds of prefabricated essays (Plagiarism, Ethics & the WWW 2), equipped with word count and grade received. Another possible reason for the increase in plagiarized schoolwork is the nation growing decline in ethics. The Callup Organization in 2000 published a list of the top problems facing the United States. The number one problem was education, followed by decreasing ethics. These two rankings perhaps aided in the creation of some of the other listed problems below, such as poverty, drugs, crime, and racism (Plagiarism.
An Introduction to Evolution Essay -- Evolution Science Biology Essays
An Introduction to Evolution à à à à à What is Evolution? Evolution is the process by which all living things have developed from primitive organisms through changes occurring over billions of years, a process that includes all animals and plants. Exactly how evolution occurs is still a matter of debate, but there are many different theories and that it occurs is a scientific fact. Biologists agree that all living things come through a long history of changes shaped by physical and chemical processes that are still taking place. It is possible that all organisms can be traced back to the origin of Life from one celled organims. The most direct proof of evolution is the science of Paleontology, or the study of life in the past through fossil remains or impressions, usually in rock. Changes occur in living organisms that serve to increase their adaptability, for survival and reproduction, in changing environments. Evolution apparently has no built-in direction purpose. A given kind of organism may evolve only when it occurs in a variety of forms differing in hereditary traits, that are passed from parent to offspring. By chance, some varieties prove to be ill adapted to their current environment and thus disappear, whereas others prove to be adaptive, and their numbers increase. The elimination of the unfit, or the "survival of the fittest," is known as Natural Selection because it is nature that discards or favors a particular being. Evolution takes place only when natural selection operates on apopulation of organisms containing diverse inheritable forms. HISTORY Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis (1698-1759) was the first to propose a general theory of evolution. He said that hereditary material, consisting of particles, was transmitted from parents to offspring. His opinion of the part played by natural selection had little influence on other naturalists. Until the mid-19th century, naturalists believed that each species was created separately, either through a supreme being or through spontaneous generation the concept that organisms arose fully developed from soil or water. The work of the Swedish naturalist Carolus Linnaeus in advancing the classifying of biological organisms focused attention on the close similarity between certain species. Speculation began as to the existence of a sort of blood relationship between... ...y different. For example, the wing of a bird and the wing of a butterfly are analogous; both are used for flight, but they are entirely different structurally. Analogous structures do not indicate evolutionary relationships. à à à à à Closely related fossils preserved in continuous successions of rock strata have allowed evolutionists to trace in detail the evolution of many species as it has occurred over several million years. The ancestry of the horse can be traced through thousands of fossil remains to a small terrier-sized animal with four toes on the front feet and three toes on the hind feet. This ancestor lived in the Eocene Epoch, about 54 million years ago. From fossils in the higher layers of stratified rock, the horse is found to have gradually acquired its modern form by eventually evolving to a one-toed horse almost like modern horses and finally to the modern horse, which dates back about 1 million years. CONCLUSION TO EVOLUTION à à à à à Although we are not totally certain that evolution is how we got the way we are now, it is a strong belief among many people today, and scientist are finding more and more evidence to back up the evolutionary theory. An Introduction to Evolution Essay -- Evolution Science Biology Essays An Introduction to Evolution à à à à à What is Evolution? Evolution is the process by which all living things have developed from primitive organisms through changes occurring over billions of years, a process that includes all animals and plants. Exactly how evolution occurs is still a matter of debate, but there are many different theories and that it occurs is a scientific fact. Biologists agree that all living things come through a long history of changes shaped by physical and chemical processes that are still taking place. It is possible that all organisms can be traced back to the origin of Life from one celled organims. The most direct proof of evolution is the science of Paleontology, or the study of life in the past through fossil remains or impressions, usually in rock. Changes occur in living organisms that serve to increase their adaptability, for survival and reproduction, in changing environments. Evolution apparently has no built-in direction purpose. A given kind of organism may evolve only when it occurs in a variety of forms differing in hereditary traits, that are passed from parent to offspring. By chance, some varieties prove to be ill adapted to their current environment and thus disappear, whereas others prove to be adaptive, and their numbers increase. The elimination of the unfit, or the "survival of the fittest," is known as Natural Selection because it is nature that discards or favors a particular being. Evolution takes place only when natural selection operates on apopulation of organisms containing diverse inheritable forms. HISTORY Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis (1698-1759) was the first to propose a general theory of evolution. He said that hereditary material, consisting of particles, was transmitted from parents to offspring. His opinion of the part played by natural selection had little influence on other naturalists. Until the mid-19th century, naturalists believed that each species was created separately, either through a supreme being or through spontaneous generation the concept that organisms arose fully developed from soil or water. The work of the Swedish naturalist Carolus Linnaeus in advancing the classifying of biological organisms focused attention on the close similarity between certain species. Speculation began as to the existence of a sort of blood relationship between... ...y different. For example, the wing of a bird and the wing of a butterfly are analogous; both are used for flight, but they are entirely different structurally. Analogous structures do not indicate evolutionary relationships. à à à à à Closely related fossils preserved in continuous successions of rock strata have allowed evolutionists to trace in detail the evolution of many species as it has occurred over several million years. The ancestry of the horse can be traced through thousands of fossil remains to a small terrier-sized animal with four toes on the front feet and three toes on the hind feet. This ancestor lived in the Eocene Epoch, about 54 million years ago. From fossils in the higher layers of stratified rock, the horse is found to have gradually acquired its modern form by eventually evolving to a one-toed horse almost like modern horses and finally to the modern horse, which dates back about 1 million years. CONCLUSION TO EVOLUTION à à à à à Although we are not totally certain that evolution is how we got the way we are now, it is a strong belief among many people today, and scientist are finding more and more evidence to back up the evolutionary theory.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Fresh Bait
Some books just confuse me. I'll read it and have an entire plot planted out; which would end in a backflip and destroy all my planning ââ¬â sometimes it's good but so can it be bad. Thankfully, in a book with many stories ââ¬ËFresh Bait' executed it nicely ââ¬â considering the limited length ââ¬â and stood out to be one of my favourite story of the book. ââ¬ËFresh Bait' is written by Sherryl Clark, an Australian author who I would keep an eye out now and is published in book called ââ¬ËTop Stories 2' by the publisher Pearson in 2007.Saying that each author was limited accordingly to a small amount of pages to create a story, I must admit, the pace of the story was slow at first read; but now thinking back it was very fast pace. If you haven't read any book that has contained an anonymous mystery then this book may take a while to completely understand. I, as once have been an avid fan of mystery, have detected that something strange was lurking in story and noti ced the theme of mystery quite quickly. Clark has used a first person voice that slowly give us pieces of puzzle to put together.The protagonist of the story has definitely gave us a feeling of conspiracy in her action that opposed towards feeling of natural. The carefully worded conversation and sly gestures made by the protagonist of the story, enhanced a sense of eeriness. Must say ââ¬ËFresh Bait' was quite eerie through itsà Shutter-Island-like twists. Whilst reading, I was pushed on an edge of a precipice. I was definitely left hanging and held onto the book as direction to the light of truth. Will I ever understand how: if one book is so anticlimactic will ruin an entire story that was so mysteriously good?Thankfully it wasn't really a disappointment as the ending is what I've expected ââ¬â thanks to my awesome skills in prediction ââ¬â and I guess the slight cliff hanger was what truly disappointed me. ââ¬ËFresh Bait' was an amusing read and was indeed a breat h of fresh air to cool my overflowing cup of warm fantasy tea. I do suppose that in some sense, whilst reading, I've gotten a nostalgic yearning for more mystery novels and the cliff hanger had just wrapped it up and sent it to my birthday list. http://butterflys-dust-wendy. blogspot. com. au/2012/05/top-stories-2-fresh-bait-by-sherryl. html
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation Essay
Abstract As defined in the text book motivation is the forces that energize and direct our efforts toward a meaningful goal (Atwater, Duffy & Kirsh, 2005). This paper will look to define motivation and the two common types of motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic. Which of the two is a moreeffective way of motivation and gives ourselves a higher sense of self-esteem? This paper will also examine different situations where people are motivated, both intrinsically and extrinsically, and the moral and ethical reasoning behind their decisions. Finally from a study done by Joe Gelona there is a look that if one is consciously thinking about what motivates you to complete a task it will result in higher levels of self- motivation. A Look at Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation Every goal strived for in life whether it is a short term or long term goal has reasoning behind it, and that reasoning would be motivation. Motivation is defined in the text book as the forces that energize and direct our efforts toward a meaningful goal (Atwater, Duffy & Kirsh, 2005). People are motivated in two different ways; they are motivated intrinsically or extrinsically. Intrinsic motivation, again define in the text book, is ââ¬Å"active engagement with tasks that people find interesting and that, in turn, promote growth and are freely engaged in out of interestâ⬠(Atwater et al. 2005). While extrinsic motivation is ââ¬Å"the desire to engage in an activity because it is a means to an end and not because an individual is following his or her inner interestsâ⬠(Atwater et al. 2005). In other words intrinsic motivation is being driven by internal factors and extrinsic is driven by outside factors in your environment. Motivation comes in two forms, and when are we inclined to use each of them and how do they help improve self- esteem? Some situations that put motivational thinking to the test are things like academic achievement; a study done by Martin Covington examines both the intrinsic and extrinsic factors push students to succeed. Another scenario is a look at situations which take into effect the ethics and moral values of motivational reasoning, and finally does just the thought about whether we are motivated or not have enough influence to motivate us? While people are motivated in two different ways it is hard to pinpoint just which of the two is better for overall well being. A big factor that comes into play is self- esteem, which is someoneââ¬â¢s idea of their own personal worth ( Atwater et al. 2005). When thinking of personal worth it seems to make sense that achieving a goal through intrinsic motivation would be best suited to boost self- esteem. A perfect example would be for someone trying to lose weight in order to be in better health. The thought of achieving the goal of a lower weight and looking better all because it is something that a person has wanted to do would be an enormous boost in self esteem once that goal has been accomplished. That is a situation in which self- esteem is benefited from using intrinsic motivation to achieve a personal goal. Extrinsic motivation works a little bit differently towards a self esteem boost, a person in the same situation with the idea of weight loss might only be doing it because they see it socially acceptable to look skinny and healthy. Another way to put that would be to say that the person is looking for self verification, in the textbook Atwater et al. (2005) classify that as doing something that will elicit positive feedback from others to verify our own self perceptions. So that same situation using the extrinsic way of motivation that person would raise their self esteem by getting that positive feedback from others after they achieved their weight loss goal. That is just one scenario in which both types of motivation can be shown to improve self esteem, either internally motivated (intrinsic) or from environmental factors and self verification (extrinsic). Moving forward we will look as some more specific situations where someone may be motivated intrinsically or extrinsically. Martin Covington wrote an article, Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic Motivation in Schools: A Reconciliation, which examines reasons why students are academically motivated by either intrinsic or extrinsic methods. Covington (2000) first points out that the academic system is set up with external rewards for students in the form of grades, so it is easy to see where students would almost always be motivated extrinsically. Students on the other hand are motivated intrinsically when they put aside the external rewards of getting good grades and become satisfied with overcoming theà challenge of learning something new and interesting (Covington, 2000). In the article Covington (2000) says that the idea of students learning for matters for their own sake is often destroyed by having external rewards such as grades for incentives. This proposes the argument that if the external rewards are taken away how likely is it that students will still be intrinsically motivated to learn? Moen and Doyle make the statement in an article that mention certain aspects of colleges such as the course material and programs to study that are contributing factors for how hard and willingly college students will learn (1978). This makes the point that being intrinsically motivated towards school will be very beneficial towards the learning process. Now when look at the high school education structure compared to colleges it is easy to see where at one level students are motivated intrinsically compared to extrinsically. In high school where the courses are mapped out and the learning of certain subjects is forced the only motivation for most students is extrinsic because they are really just seeking the external rewards of achieving good grades. Compare this to a college set up where students have the choice of what subjects they wish to study where they will be more intrinsically motivated to learn for the benefit that they find topics interesting and are looking for that internal challenge (Doyle & Moen, 1978). Ending with the idea of boosting self esteem either method of motivation works, it just depends on the person and whether they are satisfied by the external rewards of grades or if they prefer the self satisfaction of mastering a new subject. As shown previously intrinsic and extrinsic motivation plays a big part in the ways students learn, but which of the two methods plays a bigger role when it comes to students and cheating? Rettinger, Jordan & Peschiera (2004) did a study of 103 undergraduate college students who took a study to determine their motivation orientation, and then they read a vignette about someone who has the ability to cheat. The researchers were able to determine who would cheat and who would not based on their motivational orientation. Rettinger et al. (2004) states that students identify both the intrinsic and extrinsic goals for their classes and there for can decide whether they will be motivated by grades or self interest in the course. They found that students who had been intrinsically motivated in school were less likely toà cheat compared to the students who had extrinsic goals (Rettinger et al. 2004). Rettinger et al. (2004) says that the intrinsically motivated students showed lower levels of anxiety, better study habits and a better attitude towards academics. The results if this study were that ââ¬Å"eighty-three percent of participants admitted to having cheated during their college careerâ⬠(Rettinger et al, 2004). Students are always made aware that cheating is not allowed but why do the extrinsically motivated students continue to do so anyway? Garrard & McNaughton (1998) say that someone the justification of oneââ¬â¢s moral reasoning can keep them motivated enough to follow through with the act even though they know it is wrong. They use an example of someone who wishes to give up smoking and is there for motivated to quit, but may still find reason to fail and just give up (Garrard & McNaughton, 1998). So the extrinsically motivated person who is only focused on the grade reward part of school may know that the only way to achieve their grade is through cheating and therefore goes through with that act. Again as shown in the Rettinger, Jordan & Peschiera (2004) study college students are going to cheat but it is the extrinsically motivated students who are more likely to do so than those students who are intrinsically motivated towards school. Gelona (2011) says that ââ¬Å"motivation can indeed be considered as a key ingredient for successful pursuit of goals and for attaining desired outcomes and well-being.â⬠Joe Gelona did a study where he looked at the extent to which people think about what motivates them and the possible effect on their motivational level (Gelona, 2011). It is interesting to think about how just simply thinking about being motivated to do a particular task can actually increase your level of motivation. Gelona (2011) found in his results of interviews that only 39.5% of the interviewees said they ââ¬Å"often or usuallyâ⬠think about what motivates them to do something. Thinking back to the scenario of a weight loss goal and how people are intrinsically or extrinsically motivated to do so, in order to continue to push through to their goal they will have to constantly be thinking about what is motivating them to continue. Gelona (2011) stated that people who were consciously thinking about what motivates them will be more motivated to achieve their goals and desired outcomes in life. Theà overall findings of the study showed that ââ¬Å"most people do not seem to think about what will motivate them prior to taking action on an important goalâ⬠(Gelona, 2011). Gelona (2011) makes the claim that the use of motivational coaching can be found helpful in situations such as: * Helping clients who wish to generate and maintain greater self- motivation. * Helping clients to regain lost motivation. * Helping clients strengthen their persistence in pursuit of desired goals. In Joe Gelonaââ¬â¢s study he claims that people will have higher levels of self- motivation and be more likely to achieve goals if they are consciously thinking about what motivates them, unfortunately he found that most of the people he interviewed did not think that way (Gelona, 2011). Atwater et al. (2005) defined motivation as the forces that energize and direct our efforts toward a meaningful goal. People become either intrinsically or extrinsically motivated so achieve goals and for better to improve their self- esteem. As pointed out by Covington (2000) students approach academics with either intrinsic or extrinsic motives to achieve their boost in self-esteem levels. One of the only varying differences in the two is when it came to academic dishonesty in the Rettinger, Jordan & Peschiera (2004) that students who were extrinsically motivated were found more likely to cheat than those who were intrinsically motivated. All in all both theories of motivation are successful in helping achieve higher levels of self- esteem. References Covington, M. (2000). Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic Motivation in Schools: Reconciliation. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 9, 22-25. Duffy, K., Atwater, E., & Kirsh, S. (2005). Psychology for Living: Adjustment, Growth, And Behavior Today. (Tenth ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. ((Duffy, Atwater & Kirsh, 2005) Gelona, J. (2011). Does Thinking About Motivation Boost Motivation Levels? The Coaching Psychologist, 7, 42-48. Gerrard, E., & McNaughton, D. (1998). Mapping Moral Motivation. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 1, 45-59. Moen, Ross. Doyle, Kenneth O. (1978). Measures of Academic Motivation: A Conceptual Review. Research in Higher Education, 8, 1-23. Rettinger, D., Jordan, A., & Peschiera, F. (2004). Evaluating the Motivation of Other Students to Cheat: A Vignette Experiment. Research in Higher Education,45, 873-890.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
ACT Reading Tutor
What Makes for An Effective SAT/ACT Reading Tutor SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips You'd think that with a name like ââ¬Å"Critical Readingâ⬠or just plain ââ¬Å"Readingâ⬠that the best tutor for these sections of the SAT and ACT would just be someone who is good at reading critically. Alas, it is not that simple. For instance: I love to read and aced the SAT Critical Reading section when I took the test lo so many years ago, but because it comes naturally to me, I havenââ¬â¢t ever had to think of alternate ways to approach questions. I actually have to work much harder at tutoring Reading than I do at tutoring subjects that I had to put more effort into learning (for me, SAT Math). Read on for more specifics on what makes the most effective SAT/ACT Reading tutor. And if you want specific advice on SAT/ACT Math tutoring as well, don't worry ââ¬â you can read more about that here. feature image credit: Reading by Pedro Ribeiro Simà µes, used under CC BY 2.0/Cropped from original. Effective SAT/ACT Reading Tutors Scored Well On The Test The best SAT/ACT Reading tutors are the 1%: at a bare minimum, they've scored in the 99th percentile on the test. At PrepScholar, we take it one step further. Not only do we exclusively hire 99th percentile scorers, but many of these tutors were perfect scorers on the sections that they tutor. Why is this important? Because in order to be able to customize teaching, a tutor must have mastered the material. This doesnââ¬â¢t just mean knowing the content (like vocabulary). Tutors need to understand HOW the SAT/ACT will question you on reading. SAT/ACT Reading in particular is a difficult subject to improve, because it requires skills the student has practiced over a decade. It's not easy to teach critical reasoning and logic in a short amount of time. How do effective SAT/ACT Reading tutors do it? Read on! Effective SAT/ACT Reading Tutors Can Pinpoint Your Weaknesses The best SAT/ACT Reading tutor will be able to understand exactly WHERE students are making mistakes. When all is said and done, a particularly tricky reading question can involve over half a dozen components, any of which could be your Achilles' heel. Letââ¬â¢s use the following passage and question as an example. There are many complicated steps you have to take to answer this question Understand the question: whatââ¬â¢s this weirdly-worded question actually asking? Where in the passage is the information you need? How much time are you spending reading the passage? What information does the passage give you to answer the question? How do you use this information to answer the question? What answer choices can you eliminate? Why? How can you confirm the right answer is correct at the very end? A student who misses the question could be tripped up by any one of these steps. How should a tutor address this? A mediocre tutor will just make sure the student understands how to get the answer to this particular question and move on. Why is this bad? Itââ¬â¢s inefficient ââ¬â itââ¬â¢s highly unlikely this particular question will show up on the SAT/ACT, and so the assistance given is not generalizable. Furthermore, it doesn't identify the student's actual weaknesses - it just patches over serious problems with a quick fix. The best tutor will pinpoint exactly where the student is having issues, then work on weaknesses until there are no longer any issues. A student who doesn't understand how to identify the information in the passage that answers the question needs very different help from a student who is spending too much time re-reading the passage when answering this question. If the tutor doesn't identify these weaknesses and address them, the student will find it very hard to improve her score. Darts by Richard Matthews, used under CC BY 2.0. All your tutor's efforts should be directed towards the bullseye of your weaknesses. Effective SAT/ACT Reading Tutors Will Customize Strategies To You The best tutors will understand optimal strategies and be able to teach them to students, customizing the strategies to a student's particular level. Read on for an example of two different strategy suggestions: one suggestion is for someone aiming for a 600 on the SAT or 26 on the ACT and the other is for someone aiming for a perfect score on the SAT/ACT). Students who are aiming for a 600 or a 26 or a can skip hardest 20% of questions and instead focus on easier ones. For more strategies like these, read our articles on how to improve your SAT Reading Score or how to improve your ACT Reading score. If you're aiming for the perfect score, on the other hand, you might need to take note of time management. Take a timed practice test, and if you run out of time, mark the questions you answer with extra time. Compare your scaled score with extra time with your realistic score (the score that only includes questions answered during the normal time period). If your score differs by more than 50 points (on the SAT) or 1 point (on the ACT), you have serious time management issues. Are you generally slow at reading passages, or were there particular questions that slowed you down? For more time management tips and other strategies, read our articles on scoring an 800 in SAT Critical Reading or 36 in ACT Reading. Actions To Take The best way to get a sense of any tutorââ¬â¢s teaching style is to get her to demonstrate how sheââ¬â¢d explain the process of answering a difficult question. PROTIP: Pick out a question ahead of time that you previously missed and have had trouble with from a real SAT and use it every time, so you can compare the explanations of multiple tutors. Iââ¬â¢ve also compiled a list of sample questions parents and students might want to ask potential tutors. Click to download the PDF, or click on the image below. Use the answers to these questions to assess how a tutor teaches and whether or not her particular teaching style and method will be effective for you. Whatââ¬â¢s Next? If you havenââ¬â¢t already, read our article on the key qualities of an effective SAT/ACT tutor. How do you find the best tutor for you? Learn about what tutors actually do during SAT/ACT tutoring and how to find the best tutoring match for your situation. Want to get serious about improving your SAT/ACT score? Our tutoring service is designed to be the most effective in the nation. We hire the best tutors from across the country. This is then paired with our exclusiveonline drillingprogramthat gives your tutor complete insight into your progress to design the most effective sessions. Think about what improving 160 points on your SAT, or 4 points on your ACT, can do for you. Learn more about tutoring now:
Ingls bsico - Present Simple o Present Continuous
Ingls bsico - 'Present Simple' o 'Present Continuous' Present Simple Use el present simple para hablar sobre actividades o rutinas que toman lugar de forma regular. Ejemplos: I often go jogging on Saturdays.He usually has coffee for breakfast. Present Continuous Use el present continuous para hablar sobre lo que est sucediendo en un momento presente del tiempo, en torno a un momento presente o para un programado evento futuro. Ejemplos: Were working on the Smith account this month.Shes watching TV at the moment. Los verbos de estado Los verbos de estado son verbos que expresan un estado. Los verbos de accià ³n son verbos que expresa algo que una persona hace. Ejemplos: I hope to see you soon. (stative verb) He is cooking dinner at the moment. (action verb) Los verbos de estado no pueden ser usados en las formas continuas. A continuacià ³n hay una lista de comunes verbos de estado: believeunderstandthink (opinion)wanthopesmelltastefeelsoundlookseemappear Pruebe su conocimiento con esta breve prueba.à Learn more Espanol here.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Commercial Architecture in 1910s essays
Commercial Architecture in 1910s essays Commercial Architecture in the 1910s is very different from buildings today. Thanks to the advances in technology bigger and better commercial architectures are able to be constructed. Many companies built offices or a factory during the 1910s which exist today. These buildings still prove to be of importance. During this time period the style of the buildings was called Art Nouveau. Commercial Architecture has focused on building very tall buildings because of the 1910s. The look of commercial buildings between 1910 and 1920 was very plain. Most commercial buildings were 2 story buildings and very common. Unlike modern skyscrapers the older buildings do not have reflective windows everywhere. Instead the windows were small and separated and very dull. Thanks to the use of glass walls the plain looking buildings are now able to look artistic and new. Modern technology allows us to create buildings such as the Sears Tower. The commercial architectures of today are very advanced. Architects are now able to build tall buildings or even complex buildings like shopping centers. These buildings are also built to last even longer. Commercial architecture should only be getting bigger and better as technology continues to advance. There were many important buildings which were building during 1910 to 1920. Some of these buildings are ATs is still here today. One of the most important buildings is the completion of the Wall Street building in New York where millions of trades have taken place. The Grand Central terminal in New York is also an important commercial building. It was created in 1913 and has been there since. New York residents are trying to get the Grand Central terminal to become a historical landmark. Even though these buildings may be old, they will always be needed. Commercial Architecture during 1910 to 1920 was much different from its previous year...
Manager Essays
Manager Essays Manager Essay Manager Essay Volkswagens U. S. subsidiary has launched a new pro-cess for allocating scarce IT budgets across a portfolio of project requests, in an effort to align IT activities better with corporate strategy. Now that they have used the process for the first time, though, and arrived at a list of approved projects, no one seems happy with the outcome. This case provides an opportunity to discuss the difficult governance issues that arise in making IT investment decisions. As you read the case, consider these questions: What is your assessment of the new process for managing priorities at Volkswagen? Are the criticisms Justified? Is it an improvement over the old process? Who controls the budgets from which IT prohects are funded at Volkswagen of America? Who should control these budgets? How should Matulovic respond to his fellow executives who are calling to ask him for special treatment outside the new priority management system? Dr. Uwe Matulovic, chief information officer (CIO) of Volkswagen of America (VWoA), placed the telephone in its cradle and leaned back in his chair, replaying the Just- completed conversation with one of his peers from the Executive Leadership Team (ELT). The call, Matulovic mused, had been similar to three others he had participated n that week, each with a different ELT member. The results of a new prioritization processâ⬠a list of IT projects that would be funded in 2004â⬠had been unveiled only a few days earlier. But already a storm was gathering. The phone calls from other executives had common themes. All the callers had expressed concern that high priorities for their areas of the company had not been funded. Some had repeated views expressed during the prioritization process by people who worked for them about supposed categorization mistakes that penalized Copyright 2005, 2007 President and Fellows of Harvard College. Harvard Business School Case 606-003. Professor Robert D. Austin, Dr. Warren Ritchie, and Greggory Garrett prepared this case as the basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate effective or ineffective management. Certain details have been disguised. Reprinted by permission of Harvard Business School. their business units. And each of the calls had concluded with an informal request to insert an unfunded project (or two) into the IT departments work plans. We dont have to reopen the process, the most recent caller had said, but perhaps spare capacity might be applied to make some progress on this project in 2004â⬠weve one this before, and it would mean a lot to our area and to the companys growth plans. The 10 business units that made up MOA had proposed more than 40 projects, with funding requirements totaling $210 million (US). A budget of only $60 million (an amount capped by Volkswagen Group (VWAG), the parent company of MOA) made some degree of disappointment inevitable. But the intensity of pushback against the new process was surprising. The ELT had endorsed the idea of improving upon the old way these decisions were made, via unstructured debate explicit and link projects and the core business processes they impacted with MOA corporate goals. An orderly, rational process would replace what, in the past, had sometimes been haphazard. But now, questions were being raised about whether the new process was right for MOA. 50 Module Three IT Leadership EXHIBIT 1 The Himalayas Chart Some business units had seen none of their projects funded. Whispers throughout the company suggested that the process was too theoretical and noted that IT infrastructure projects had been treated separately, not forced through the same process, which many considered unfair. As Matulovic peered through the window into an overcas t sky, he wondered whether he should order exceptions to the rocess. If a project was small and Just below the line of funded projects, maybe IT should figure out a way to get it done. Or maybe he should stand his ground and defend the new process. Matulovic did not work for the other members of the ELT, but he did have to work with them. Whatever he decided could certainly affect working relationships, so he would need to consider his options carefully. Backgrowid â⬠Volkswagen of America Ferdinand Porsche designed the first Volkswagen automobiles during the 1930s in Germany. The original vehicles, targeted at the mass market (Volkswagen means, iterally, peoples car), were intended to transport a family of five at highway speeds, use modest amounts of fuel, and remain within financial reach of most people. The companys signature platform by the late 1940s was the Beetle, which, with its rounded styling and reliable air-cooled engine, became internationally popular. For about 20 years, sales of the Beetle hurtled skyward, propelling the companys total worldwide vehicle sales past a million in 1955 and toa high point in 1969. Although popularity of the Beetle declined throughout the 1970s and its importation was discontinued in the United States, late in that decade, production of Beetles in Latin America continued into the 1990s. It remains the best-selling car of all time. After peaking in the late 1960s, the pattern of sales for the North American subsidiary of Volkswagen settled into a trying cycle of ups and downs that became known, due to its Jagged contours, as the Himalayas Chart (see Exhibit 1). Other marketing nameplates have sold more units, but these nameplates were not the same vehicle in different geographies, nor did they retain as much consistency in core design as the classic Beetle.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Licencia de manejar para indocumentados en Nuevo México
Licencia de manejar para indocumentados en Nuevo Mà ©xico Si eres migrante indocumentado y radicasà en Nuevo Mà ©xico puedes sacar legalmente una licencia de manejar siguiendo una serie de pasos que se explican en este artà culo. En la actualidad ms de diez estados permiten sacar este tipo de licenciaà a los indocumentados, pero no todas son iguales ni dan los mismos derechos. En cuanto a Nuevo Mà ©xico yà los requerimientos, hay que distinguir entre los necesarios para renovar la licencia, que se explican al final de este artà culo, y los que en este momento piden para sacarla por primera vez. Licencia de manejar para indocumentados en Nuevo Mà ©xico por primera vez Antes de aplicar por la licencia comprueba que tienes todos los documentos imprescindibles que te van a pedir cuando acudas a la cita a la oficina del Departamento de los Vehà culos a Motor (MVD, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Bsicamente vas a tener que probar tres cosas: residencia en el estado, tu identidad y un nà ºmero que te identifica. Para ello sà ³lo se admiten una serie de documentos muy especà ficos para cada categorà a. Para probar que efectivamente tienes tu domicilio en Nuevo Mà ©xico Debes presentar DOS documentosà de entre los listados a continuacià ³n:à Contrato de compra, hipoteca o lease (renta) de la viviendaExtracto del banco o del credit unionDocumento original de un municipio, condado, organizacià ³n comunitariaà o tribu indà gena de Nuevo Mà ©xico o del estado o gobierno federal en el que se diga que efectivamente resides en ese estadoFactura (utility bill) del agua, gas, electricidad,à là nea fija de telà ©fono, televisià ³n por cable o satà ©lite, recogida de basura. Sà ³lo puedes presentar una factura de esta categorà a. Por ejemplo,à si presentas la de la electricidad no admiten tambià ©n la del cablePrueba de que un hijo asiste a una escuela en el estado. Puede presentarse la forma de matriculacià ³n o una carta en papel oficialà firmada por un oficial de la escuela.Recibo de pago del impuesto por ser propietario de bienes raà cesRecibo de sueldo o nà ³minaRegistracià ³n de un auto, siempre y cuando sea actual y vlidaTarjeta de asistencia pà ºblica o mà ©dica que sea de Nuevo Mà ©xico Adems, si eres menor de 18 aà ±os puedes presentar como prueba de residencia en NM cualquier documento que pruebe que asistes a una escuela en ese estado o perteneces a un equipo deportivo u organizacià ³n religiosa. Los documentos tienen que ser originales (no se aceptan copias), tener menos de 3 meses de antigà ¼edad y tu direccià ³n debe de aparecer en ellos. Prueba de identidad cuando no tienes un Nà ºmero del Seguro Social Debes tener uno de los siguientes documentos: Origial o copia de tu acta de nacimiento que debes de pedir a tu paà s. Tiene que ser traducida al inglà ©s por una persona con buen conocimiento del inglà ©s y del espaà ±ol y debe firmar su traduccià ³n siguiendo este modelo. Adems, debe notarizarse. No se admite que el traductor y el notario sean la misma persona.Certificado de matrimonio si te has casado en cualquiera de los 50 estados de EEUU o uno de sus territorios, como por ejemplo, Puerto Rico.Orden de una corte de los Estados Unidos con sello en la que se declara que has cambiado de nombre o que te has divorciado o que has cambiado de gà ©nero. En este caso, la orden debe contener tu nombre legal y tu fecha de nacimiento.Una licencia de manejar, learnerà ´s permit, tarjeta de ID emitida por un estado de EEUU o por el gobierno federal o por Canad. En este caso debe de tener una foto y ser vlida o haber expirado no hace ms de un aà ±o.Matrà cula consular emitida despuà ©s del uno de febrero de 2005 por el consulad o mexicano de El Paso o el de Albuquerque. Tu pasaporte. Tiene que ser vlido y no estar vencido. Prueba de Nà ºmero de Identificacià ³n cuando no tienes un Nà ºmero del Seguro Social Debes presentar uno de los siguientes documentos: Matrà cula consular de los consulados mexicanos en El Paso o en Albuquerque con fecha posterior al 1 de febrero de 2005.Tu pasaporte vlido.El ITIN, pero esto sà ³lo si se emplea como prueba de ID la matrà cula o el pasaporte. Cà ³mo entender estos requerimientos Debes presentar dos documentos del listado de prueba de residencia, uno de prueba de identidad o ID y otro como prueba de nà ºmero de identificacià ³n. Hay dos documentos- pasaporte y matrà cula- que se pueden utilizar como identidad o como prueba, pero si utilizas uno de ellos para una cosa, no puedes utilizarla para la otra. Cà ³mo aplicar por la licencia por primera vez Si eres menor de 25 aà ±os, debes cumplir con requisitos adicionales. Si ya has cumplido esa edad, a diferencia de lo que ocurre con los ciudadanos americanos, los extranjeros no pueden presentarse en una oficina del MVD. Es necesario realizar una cita previa aquà . Tambià ©n puedes cerrarla marcando al 505-827-2257. En Choose appointment type, escoge First Time Foreign National DL/ID. Adems, necesitars pasar un examen de visià ³n, un examen escrito, el de carretera y pagar un arancel. Renovacià ³n de la licencia Si ya tienes una licencia de manejar de Nuevo Mà ©xico para renovarla no puedes hacerlo por internet si no tienes un Nà ºmero del Seguro Social. Si ese es tu caso, la à ºnica manera es acudir en persona a una oficinal del MVD. Si ya tiene ms de un aà ±o de vencimiento, tendrs que tomar de nuevo el examen escrito. Y si tiene ms de cinco aà ±os de vencimiento, tambià ©n el de carretera. Tip de interà ©s Si no puedes obtener la licencia porque no cumples con los requisitos,à infà ³rmate y evita ser và ctima del fraude deà las licencias internacionales para manejar en Estados Unidos cuando vives aquà .
Identify the Common Poplars in North America
Identify the Common Poplars in North America The genus Populusà most common North American natives includeà one true poplar in the north, four primary species of cottonwoods and the quaking aspen. Most of the known 35 natural poplar species live in the Northern Hemisphere. The cottonwoods thrive in an ecosystem associated with riparian and wetland areas in eastern and western North America. The aspens are most comfortable in boreal environments dominated by conifers with aspen being a major broad-leaved species. Balsam poplarà (Populus balsamifera)à is the northernmost American hardwood and a major deciduous tree in Canada and Alaska. The Common North American Poplar Species Quaking aspenBalsam poplarEastern cottonwoodBlack cottonwood All have long reproductive catkins that appear just before the new leaves of spring and can help in identification. The resulting fruit is a capsule that opens into 2 tp 4 parts. The tufted seeds are shed in masses of white cotton which can cover the ground inches deep. The leaves of aspen and Eastern cottonwood are deltoidsà where black cottonwood and balsam poplar are ovate. They occur on a branch alternately, are simple (single leaf) and mostly toothed. Interesting Facts The Eastern Cottonwood,à Populus deltoides, is one of the largest North American hardwood trees.à The aspenà has the widest range in the United States.à It occurs throughout the eastern United States and throughout Canada.Yellow poplar is not a true poplar and not listed here.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Vermont State Health Policy Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Vermont State Health Policy - Term Paper Example Single-payment will be funded from tax collections, diversion of financial aids from Federal governments and hence, it will be based on equitable financing and 100% of healthcare of Vermonters will be met by Vermont State. à Vermontââ¬â¢s governor Shumlin conceived the single -payer system, and he promised all the 620,000 Vermonters with a gift of $3,225 each and every year to pay for free healthcare by Vermont State. However, Shumlin has not come out with his plans how he is going to fund the same. Only time has to tell us whether Shumlin dream project is going to stand as a model for all the remaining states in the USA or going to drain out the stateââ¬â¢s exchequerââ¬â¢s resources. à As per United States Census Bureau, as of 2013, Vermont population was estimated at 626,011.This indicates a growth of 0.004% as compared to 2010 census. About 67.7 people were residing per sq. mile as of 2013. ( 2014). à From the following figure, we can understand that Vermont State spent $2210.9 million or $2.2 billion on human services (which includes healthcare expenses also) which is equivalent to 41.8% of the aggregate of the expenses of Vermont during 2013. Human service expenses include health care, food stamps, Child protective and housing services. à Medicaid: This offers insurance coverage for kids, adolescents under age 21, pregnant women, caretaker relatives, parents, disabled or blind people and those aged 65 or above. For qualifying under this, the income level should be below the protected income levelâ⬠(PIL) or below the Federal Poverty Level. (FPL)â⬠. The Vermont Health Access Plan (VHAP): This scheme is available to those adolescents above the age of 18 and older who are not eligible under Medicaid program and those who are having income below 150% of FPL. Ã
Accounting cousework Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Accounting cousework - Coursework Example The company chosen in this report is Google. The two ways to improve the performance of a company is through either effectiveness or efficiency. These two similar sounding words are actually much different in meaning and a business can successfully reach its goal if it does these two things successfully. Efficiency refers to doing things right in the least time possible. Efficiency measures the time it takes to do something (Martin, 2012). While inefficient employees take long time in doing a work, efficient employee and manager do a given task in the least time possible using the least amount of resources using certain time saving strategies. Effectiveness refers to doing things in the right way so that particular results are derived (Lawler, 2012.). Effectiveness actually refers to the level of results that is derived from a companyââ¬â¢s workforce. Employees who demonstrate effectiveness produces high quality results. To reach position of higher growth a company goes in for effectiveness and efficiency. A company which goes in for only efficiency or only effectiveness does not reach the goal. For achieving growth and desired objective the employees should be efficient and effective at the same time. If the employees of a company are efficient but effective they will not be able to achieve the desired output. Similar is the case of the employees who are effective but not efficient. The employees who are efficient but not effective will be able to achieve a result first but the result achieved will not be the desired one. Similarly the employees who are effective but not efficient will be able to achieve the result but the time taken by them will be far greater. Thus for the growth of the company it is required that the employees are efficient as well as effective. The asset turnover ratio of a company represents how efficiently the company uses the assets of the company in generating revenue. The numerator of
Friday, October 18, 2019
What are the main motives for US involvement in the region after 1945 Essay
What are the main motives for US involvement in the region after 1945 - Essay Example The most important of them is access to oil and gas deposits. Obviously, the desire of American capital to acquire control over the production, processing and marketing of Arab oil has been the main motive for economic expansion of the U.S. in the Arab countries. Still, Americansââ¬â¢ intervention has begun under the guise of their off-board assistance to the countries in their economic recovery, since ââ¬Å"â⬠¦states all across the Middle East soon proved incapable of properly managing the economyâ⬠(Khater, 197). There is another motive: ââ¬Å"â⬠¦the United States declares its goal in the region to be the spread of democracyâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ (Gelvin, 5). Surely, there have been particular benefits for the Middle East nations, but ââ¬Å"â⬠¦ many in the region have paid a high price for Americaââ¬â¢s support of every kindâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ (Gelvin, 5). As for Americaââ¬â¢s benefits resulting from its interference in the Middle East with its oil deposits, it has gained a great success in oil possession, while the same cannot be said for the fate of Arab people living in the region. In conclusion, Americaââ¬â¢s participation in domestic affairs of different countries of the idle East region after the end of World War II has its certain motives resulted from its desire to assume the regional oil deposits as well as to intensify the spread of democracy within Arab
Case Study Work Based Learning Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Case Study Work Based Learning - Assignment Example L'Oreal reported revenues of $19.8 billion in 2004 with more than 52,000 employees worldwide. The news of acquisition has surprised Animal protection organizations and ethical consumers worldwide. Though this deal has been endorsed by financial analysts for its financial viability there are sharp protests from ethical consumer forums. They have reacted with surprise at the news that L'Oreal will acquire The Body Shop International. There have been particular concerns over the future of The Body Shop's firm and consistent stance against animal testing and ethical consumerism. The groups issuing this statement work together in a global coalition operating those programs such as the Corporate Standard of Compassion (US) and Humane Cosmetics Standard (EU), working closely with leading cosmetics companies worldwide to end animal testing. The acquisition is over but major challenges lying ahead of L'Oreal and Body Shop of identifying the metrics to measure success, and unifying the contrasting 'people' cultures and management styles of a French corporate giant and a UK-based company whose culture - and business and operating model - is inextricably based upon a strong ethical trading stance, is matter of importance for success of merger. Though L'Oreal and Body Shop belonged to the same business domains there was a large gap between their operating business philosophies. While Body Shop has been a champion of ethical business and ethical consumerism L'Oreal's track record in this field has not been that clean. L'Oreal has accepted in past, the use of animal testing for their cosmetology and dermatology research. L'Oreal receives a worst rating from Ethical Consumer for its animal testing policy, and also has had boycott calls against it for testing its cosmetic products on animals. And while the Body Shop has always considered natural ingredients as important, L'Oreal is criticized by environmental campaigners for including harmful pollutants and worrying chemicals in its cosmetics. Another worry is its link to Nestle. In many European surveys consumers have voted Nestle as a least ethical and responsible organization because of its baby milk which it advertise to be substitute of breast milk. Business Ethics Body shop has sensitized the European customers about the business ethics. According to business philosophy of Body Shop it is opposed to testing products and various ingredients used in cosmetics on animals. Body Shop has also been a champion of business ethics and corporate responsibility to contribute for the cause of society. Following are some lines from the corporate values they are said to follow: "We consider testing products or ingredients on animals to be morally and scientifically indefensible. We support small producer communities around the world who supply us with accessories and natural ingredients. We believe that it is the responsibility of every individual to actively support those who have human rights denied to them. We believe that a business has the responsibility to protect the environment in which it operates, locally and globally." Considering above statements, L'Oreal and Nestle, which owns 26% of L'Oreal, do not have a healthy records at least for the social activists, environmentalists and for Body Shop till the date of acquisition. Anita Roddick, CEO and founder of Body Shop, has many times lashed out at the policy of Nestle of not being ethical. Following Anita's
Religion, Feminism, and Environmentalism Research Paper - 2
Religion, Feminism, and Environmentalism - Research Paper Example Buddhism holds two concepts for feminism. In the first concept it, says that itââ¬â¢s better for women to take another life to be born as a man. Whereas the other concept says that genders do not matter, it is spirituality that is considered important in Buddhism. Hinduism, on the other hand, deals with ecofeminism as a scared concept. They say that the power of a goddess resides within women, and this gives them an authority over everything. Perhaps this is because there is a connection between nature and feminism that gives them the authority over nature. Christianity too treats women as sacred entities and believes in the fact that there are some similarities between nature and women. Women and nature both are considered to possess the quality of reproduction in all the religions. Ecological feminism can be defined as a concept which unites or merges the movement of nature with the movements of feminism. Eco feminists have tried to portray the importance of feminism to environmentalism (Cheney 179)2. The term ecofeminism was first used by a French writer, Francoise dââ¬â¢Eaubonne in 1984. She used this term for the first time in her bookââ¬Å"Le Feminismeou la mortâ⬠. Ecological feminism can also be defined as a concept which connects environmentalism with feminism. It can further be elaborated as the ability of the women power to work towards the achievement of balance in the ecological processes. Ecofeminist philosophy finds, analyzes and studies the connection between the behavior that dominate the women and the behavior that can be considered detrimental for the society or the environment. Ortner was the first anthropologist to raise the question of similarities between women and nature. He said that as woman is to man, similarly nature is to culture. He said that there are many similarities between women and nature. The first one, he elaborated was the reproductive function played by both. He further added that as women
Compare and contrast the Four Leader-centric Approaches Term Paper
Compare and contrast the Four Leader-centric Approaches - Term Paper Example As the paper declaresà the person possessing these qualities is considered a leader. A leader has certain important leadership traits such integrity, self-confidence, intelligence and determination. Style in leadership signifies the behavior of the leader. The style of leadership focuses mainly on the activities and the ways of approaching them. However, the leader centric approaches assist in determining the styles of the leaders. These can also be regarded as the qualities or traits which are hidden in different leadership styles.This essay highlights that the common question that is often asked is that, is the leaders above the law or does the moral values that applies to all, also applies to the leaders? Immanuel Kant, suggested that according to the deontological ethics, morality binds every one which also includes the leaders. So it can be said that if Kant is right in his approach, the leaders cannot have a rule breaking attitude, and cannot appeal if he/she is regarded wron g. However, in spite of this if a leader engages in any unethical behavior is simply an unreasonable person. So reasons demand that every person has to act in one way including a leader. The golden rule is that, which Kant has suggested, that says that, we should treat everyone the way we want to be get treated by others.à This view is very much applicable for authoritative leaders, who must understand that he is not different but part of the same crowd.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Transformational Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Transformational Leadership - Essay Example As the study stresses organizational culture is the basic pattern of shared assumptions, values and beliefs considered to be the correct way of thinking about and acting on the problems and opportunities facing the organizations. It defines what is important and unimportant for the company. You may think of it as an organizationââ¬â¢s DNAââ¬âinvisible to the naked eye, yet a powerful template that shapes what happens in the workplace. According to the report findings an organizationââ¬â¢s cultural beliefs and values are somewhat easier to decipher than assumptions because people are aware of them. Beliefs represent the individualââ¬â¢s perceptions of reality. Values are more stable, long-lasting beliefs about what is important. They help us define what is right and wrong, or good or bad in the world. Although theorists acknowledge that leadership occurs at all levels of the organization and that the impact of all leaders contributes to organizational performance, a fascination has always existed with the larger-than-life, earth-shaking leaders who do more than transact the mundane concerns of everyday activity. These are the leaders who foment revolutions in politics or commerce and divert the streams of history. Despite the glamour of heroic leadership and the long-standing interest of social philosophers in the subject, the scientific literature largely ignored the topic until quite recently. Research expl ained the dearth of research by pointing to three problems inherent in this area of study.
NURSING RESEARCH LITERATURE ( REPORT) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
NURSING RESEARCH LITERATURE ( REPORT) - Essay Example There was increased resiliency i.e. decreased behaviors and substance abuse and other broadly based benefits. 5. What points did the author cover in the discussion section of the research report? What limitations to the study did the author discuss? What conclusions did the author develop as a result of the study? What new knowledge was generated by this research study? In the discussion section, the authors talk about validation of the method they have used and how they corroborate with other already published methods. The authors state that the findings of this study validated the goals of COA support groups described by Black 2004. The critical features and processes in the current study are consistent with SBSG for adolescent girls as published by Campbell, (2003). The authors discuss how community interventions describes by Stanton, (1996), were also found in the current study namely self-evaluation, identification pattern, and ability to make healthier choices. The authors also discusses how their results are consistent with the results of other published studies like increased knowledge (Borkman, 1999), and increased coping skills and relationships (Wassef, 1998). The authors then lets the readers know the drawbacks of the current study. Some of the drawbacks they discuss are that the researches themselves were the cofacilitaotrs, which would have influenced the results, and that only females were included in the interview even though males had participated in the study. Finally the authors discuss the importance of the study as to how it can be used as a model for evaluating SBSGs for adolescents with an addicted parent, and to educate school health professionals and policymakers regarding the value of this intervention. I agree with the authorââ¬â¢s conclusion. But the study cannot be practiced clinically because much of this vulnerable group is unable to attend school by the very fact that their parent is addicted. And even if they were
Wuthering Heights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Wuthering Heights - Essay Example Mr. Earnshaw walked sixty miles with him wrapped in his coat, the beginning of his hardship. Upon his arrival, the only person who wanted him is Mr. Earnshaw. Other than the fact that Mrs. Earnshaw took an instant dislike to him, she complains about the added financial burden of another child in their home. ââ¬Å"She did fly upââ¬â¢asking how he could fashion to bring that gipsy [sic] brat into the house, when they had their own bairns to feed, and to fend forâ⬠(35). the same; and we plagued and went on with him shamefully, for I wasnt reasonable enough to feel my injustice, and the mistress never put in a word on his behalf, when she saw him wrongedâ⬠(36). The few time Mrs. Earnshaw is mentioned in the novel, she is not depicted as a nurturing person. She dies and her own children did not seemed to morn her loss. Heathcliffs hardship begins in his infancy, Nelly said he seemed as old as Catherine yet, he spoke gibberish, and she stated that ââ¬Å"it crept Mr. Earnshaws door,â⬠suggesting that he could not walk. A child who cannot walk at six, shows gross neglect in nurturing. He is an abandoned child, no one claimed him when Mr. Earnshaw found him and inquired about his where abouts. From hell on the streets to hell in the Earnshaws home is Heathcliffs plight. Catherine is the only person who befriends him. Mr. Earnshaw defends him but they never bonded. At an early age Heathcliff learns to keep his feelings inward. He never smiles or shows emotions; he becomes diabolical, due to the harsh treatments he received, especially from Hindley. An essay on, titled ââ¬Å"Wuthering Heights-Catherine and Heathcliffâ⬠agrees that Heathcliff s stamina to endure pain is uncanny. Although Heathcliff was once subjected to vicious racism due to his dark skin color and experienced wearisome orphan years in Liverpool, this distortion had already begun when Mr. Earnshaw brought him into Wuthering Heights, a
Job Task Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Job Task Analysis - Essay Example ions and submitting them to the human resource manager, scheduling interviews for new employees in the branch, and following up on their progress once employed. Any memos for the department are also to be prepared by the personnel clerk in charge (Reddy, 2004). Behavioral objectives are goals that the military branch will be aiming to accomplish when training the personnel clerk. They include duties and responsibilities that the clerk should be conversant with by the end of the training. Therefore, according to the above tasks the behavioral objectives listed should be that: the personnel clerk will master all the recording procedures in the office; he or she will also be able to understand on how to follow up on the military personnel; he or she will be able to construct a pay roll sheet from the attendance register and lastly, that he or she will be able to prepare all the notices memos of the personnel department if need be. A job task analysis is used to train an employer by laying out all the duties to be performed. (Wolfe, 1991) An analysis for a personnel clerk would be: Enter into the office; Sign in at the register; Check out the attendance of each and every employee of the military branch; Note any absent employees; Identify the events of the day; Ensure all the office records are neatly in place; Arrange any misplaced documents; Prepare any memos required; Receive and attend to any visitors of the personnel department; Ensure that any injured militants are attended to; Ensure the pay roll sheet is in agreement with the attendance list; Check the mail box of the personnel department; Forward and present any available resumes and application mails to the necessary offices; Follow up on the new employees of the organization; Schedule interviews for any new employees and finally sign out the employees after work. Generally, a personnel clerk is important in all organizations since all organizations have employees that need to be managed and yet the
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Transformational Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Transformational Leadership - Essay Example As the study stresses organizational culture is the basic pattern of shared assumptions, values and beliefs considered to be the correct way of thinking about and acting on the problems and opportunities facing the organizations. It defines what is important and unimportant for the company. You may think of it as an organizationââ¬â¢s DNAââ¬âinvisible to the naked eye, yet a powerful template that shapes what happens in the workplace. According to the report findings an organizationââ¬â¢s cultural beliefs and values are somewhat easier to decipher than assumptions because people are aware of them. Beliefs represent the individualââ¬â¢s perceptions of reality. Values are more stable, long-lasting beliefs about what is important. They help us define what is right and wrong, or good or bad in the world. Although theorists acknowledge that leadership occurs at all levels of the organization and that the impact of all leaders contributes to organizational performance, a fascination has always existed with the larger-than-life, earth-shaking leaders who do more than transact the mundane concerns of everyday activity. These are the leaders who foment revolutions in politics or commerce and divert the streams of history. Despite the glamour of heroic leadership and the long-standing interest of social philosophers in the subject, the scientific literature largely ignored the topic until quite recently. Research expl ained the dearth of research by pointing to three problems inherent in this area of study.
NURSING RESEARCH LITERATURE ( REPORT) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
NURSING RESEARCH LITERATURE ( REPORT) - Essay Example There was increased resiliency i.e. decreased behaviors and substance abuse and other broadly based benefits. 5. What points did the author cover in the discussion section of the research report? What limitations to the study did the author discuss? What conclusions did the author develop as a result of the study? What new knowledge was generated by this research study? In the discussion section, the authors talk about validation of the method they have used and how they corroborate with other already published methods. The authors state that the findings of this study validated the goals of COA support groups described by Black 2004. The critical features and processes in the current study are consistent with SBSG for adolescent girls as published by Campbell, (2003). The authors discuss how community interventions describes by Stanton, (1996), were also found in the current study namely self-evaluation, identification pattern, and ability to make healthier choices. The authors also discusses how their results are consistent with the results of other published studies like increased knowledge (Borkman, 1999), and increased coping skills and relationships (Wassef, 1998). The authors then lets the readers know the drawbacks of the current study. Some of the drawbacks they discuss are that the researches themselves were the cofacilitaotrs, which would have influenced the results, and that only females were included in the interview even though males had participated in the study. Finally the authors discuss the importance of the study as to how it can be used as a model for evaluating SBSGs for adolescents with an addicted parent, and to educate school health professionals and policymakers regarding the value of this intervention. I agree with the authorââ¬â¢s conclusion. But the study cannot be practiced clinically because much of this vulnerable group is unable to attend school by the very fact that their parent is addicted. And even if they were
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Six Sigmas Concept Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Six Sigmas Concept - Research Paper Example 27). The paper argues that Six Sigma is all these but not limited to the above-mentioned elements. Concisely put, Six Sigma is a business process that allows the companies to design their operations in such a way that helps in improving their bottom line profitability by decreasing the waste, increasing the quality. Six Sigma is the business philosophy that urges companies to create mechanisms, which to do fewer mistakes in everything that they do, from writing a checkbook to designing a aircraft, from sweeping the floor to refining petroleum (Carreira & Trudell, pp. 98-99). Despite the fact that Six Sigma could be placed in the life of quality management programs but it also has some striking differences from other quality management programs. First, when other quality programs focus on finding, detecting and understanding the defects to fix them in the early stages of production, Six Sigma urges specifically to create mechanism, systems, and operations, which are defect free (Pande & Holpp, pp. 14-15). Six Sigma believes that products which show defects during production are more likely to do the same when used by the customers; therefore, the focus should be recreating these processes in such a way that defects do not arise in the first place. Second, the way Six Sigma defines quality is much different from other quality programs. During the 1980s, when the prevalent definition of quality was about conformance to certain standards regardless of how these standards were being met. Under the umbrella of Six Sigma, quality is defined as ââ¬Å"a state in which value entitlement is realized for the customer and provider in every aspect of the business relationshipâ⬠(Summers, pp. 27). In the past, when companies focused solely to conform to standards and produce products according to customer requirements they always found themselves trapped. This was because the companies had little or no focus on the process itself. The company producing the product after finding several defects in it during production, and the company producing it defect free in the first attempt, both were standing in the same line because both had the same ââ¬Å"qualityâ⬠(Carreira & Trudell, pp. 98-99). Despite working hard on those products, profit margins of these companies remain stagnant or they even kept shrinking. They could not increase the price because of the competition but their costs were sky rocketing because of extensive reworking, reprocessing, warranties, inspection, lost sales, buffer inventory, return and allowances, testing costs, overtime, complaint handlings and others (Zinkgraf, pp. 38). Furthermore, Six Sigma is also a business strategy and management philosophy, which cannot be implemented in the absence of support from the top management and the front line employees. Unlike other quality programs, implementation of Six Sigma requires motivation and support from all employees of the day. It is about asking tough questions about the everyday operations in order to improve them (Carreira & Trudell, pp. 98-99). It is about asking tough questions and leaving comfort zone in order to become more effective in achieving the results. Moreover, Six Sigma believes
Critique of an Article - Postwar Japanese Economy Term Paper
Critique of an Article - Postwar Japanese Economy - Term Paper Example One of these events is the first globalization wave of 1870s that was attributed to the international gold standards as well as international treaties related to tariffs. Furthermore, the downturn associated with second globalization wave of 1914 caused by the occurrence of World War I, and downfall of international gold standard contributed to adverse conditions in the Japanese postwar economy1. Based on the globalization perspective, the exceptional performance of the Japanese economy that occurred earlier than 1970s is attributable to an institutional evolution of economic system in Japan that begun in the early 1930s to address the downturn associated with the second globalization wave. In the postwar period, the evolutionary process modified the Japanese economy system to address various challenges related to the novel international environment. The underlying principles of the Japanese economic system devised by this institutional evolution were stability and coordination. As a result, it stirred aggressive corporate investments, upheld a high level of employment based on an approach of total employment, and stimulated bank lending by establishing excessive competition. However, the strong coordination of Japanese economic system resulted to weak control as well as monitoring. In addition, high stability of the system caused low capacity to upgrade Japanââ¬â¢s economic structure2. In addition to the chronological account of Japanââ¬â¢s economy, Tsutsui provides a specific focus in various attributes of Japanââ¬â¢s economy, including postwar recovery, stagnation, reversal, high growth, as well as reform versus recovery. In the context of postwar recovery, democratic reforms in Japan and shortages of materials along with the resulting hyperinflation caused significant effects on Japanese economy. These occurrences resulted to changes in the structure of the Japanese economy. The underproduction resulting from overuse and destruction of production e quipment during the war was a significant challenge encountered by Japanese postwar economy. In addition, postwar repatriation of civilian and military Japanese from overseas caused a rapid increase of domestic demand for services as well as goods, though the production of Japan had significantly decreased, especially due to loss of colonies that provided materials and labor. As a result, Japanese postwar economy faced an inevitable hyperinflation. To cope with this problem, Japanese government adopted the priority production program that encouraged production using limited resources in the iron, coal, fertilizer, and fertilizer industries3. The philosophies and strategies constituted in this program led to substantial development in Japanese postwar economy with the prioritization of production and minimization of consumption, and supersession of class-consciousness to promote national unity. National economic independence was upheld at the expense of attracting foreign investments , and economic growth became highly regarded than sustainability. According to Tsutsui (2009), Japan underwent a high economy growth era between 1955 and 1973, which was characterized by major structural adjustment, and an exceptional record of 4.1 percent, average annual growth. The high growth was attributed to Japanese industrial policy because of its significant influence
Higher education Essay Example for Free
Higher education Essay A Chronicle of Higher Education article states that only 34 percent of high-achieving high-school seniors in the bottom quarter of family income went to one of the 238 most selective colleges, compared with 78 percent of students from the top quarter (Markell). Certainly, these numbers show that students that come from low income families arenââ¬â¢t getting the opportunities that they deserve. With college costs going nowhere but up, students from low-income families face tough decisions. Some students choose to attend community college while some make the decision to take out additional loans. There are also those who choose to drop out because they can no longer sustain the cost of college. Those who donââ¬â¢t have the money to go to a selective college are often not reaching their full potential. Therefore, college cost should be lowered so that more people can have the opportunity to get higher education. Such a push is needed; firstly, due to the continuous rise in tuition, higher education is becoming less and less affordable for low-income students. According to the Journal of College Admission, from 1982 to 2007, college tuition and fees increased by 439 percent, while median family income increased by 147 percent. Last year, the net cost at four-year public universities amounted to 28 percent of median family income, while a four-year private college or university consumed 76 percent of median family income (Mahoney). These numbers show that college cost has risen at a rate that has consistently outpaced the median family income and also inflation. Patrick Callan, president of the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education, states, ââ¬Å"If we go on this way for another 25 years, we wonââ¬â¢t have an affordable system of higher educationâ⬠(Callan). Essentially, if college cost doesnââ¬â¢t stop increasing it will become unaffordable and many will choose not to get higher education. Furthermore, there are many students who arenââ¬â¢t getting the opportunity that they deserve because they are not able to afford it. At the most competitive colleges, only 14 percent of students come from the lower 50 percent of families by income (Perez-Pena). Some low-income students who study very hard cant reach the diploma or certificate. A New York Times article states, ââ¬Å"While 2. 8 million students enroll in some form of higher education each year, most do not proceed straight through to graduation. Only one in five of those who enroll in two-year institutions earn an associate degree within three years, and only two in five of those who start four-year colleges complete their degrees within six yearsâ⬠(Lewin). College being outrageously expensive is one of the reasons students are not reaching their full potential. Access to higher education has become increasingly difficult for low income families, yet a college degree is more important than ever in todayââ¬â¢s economy. Indeed, thereââ¬â¢s no denying that college tuition and expenses arenââ¬â¢t cheap. In the 2011-12 academic year, the average net cost for a full-time student at an in-state public university was about $15,000 for tuition, fees, room, board, books and incidental expenses, according to the College Board (Clark). Four years of college costs about 60,000 dollars. Aside from tuition, college students also have to worry about the other expenses that come with being a college student. Those who donââ¬â¢t have enough to afford it are faced with tough decisions. According to a New York Times article, about 7 in 10 of the dropouts said they had no scholarship or loan aid. Among those who got degrees, only about four in 10 went without such aid (Perez-Pena). College students who come from low-income families are being forced to take out additional loans to afford college. Some students choose to attend community college while some make the decision to take out additional loans. There are also those who choose to drop out because they can no longer sustain the cost of college. Often times, students cannot afford the cost of living while completing a college education. Certainly, there are many reasons why students drop out of college, but the decision oftentimes has a lot to do with money. According to Public Agenda, a nonpartisan public policy research firm that conducted a telephone survey of more than 600 people ages 22 to 30 for the report, ââ¬Å"Of students surveyed, 58 percent said they did not receive any financial help from their parents or relatives to pay tuition or fees, and 69 percent had no scholarships or financial aidâ⬠(Johnson). More than half of students are not being supported by their families or anyone else for that matter. Also, more than one-half of students are not receiving any type of scholarship or financial aid. The dropoutsââ¬â¢ most popular solutions were allowing part-time students to qualify for financial aid, offering more courses on weekends and evenings, cutting costs and providing child care (Johnson). Most times, itââ¬â¢s just not attainable for a college student to afford college costs. Moreover, students who donââ¬â¢t have financial help from family or are not fortunate enough to get scholarships or grants are often forced work to pay for school. The New York Times states, ââ¬Å"The top reason the dropouts gave for leaving college was that it was just too hard to support themselves and go to school at the same time. Balancing work and school was a bigger barrier than finding money for tuition, they said. In fact, more than a third of the dropouts said that even if they got a grant that covered their books and tuition, it would be hard to go back to school, given their work and family commitmentsâ⬠(Lewin). Essentially, low-income students are having to work while attending college. Many students find it difficult to find time to study, because they are too busy working part-time jobs in able to pay for their education and other necessities. Those students who are not able to balance school, work, and also other things often end up dropping out. A downturn in college tuition would definitely help those students who are in need of help financially. Ultimately, a decrease in college cost would greatly benefit the larger society. There will be more students who will be able to afford higher education. With this in mind, higher education will lead to better access to jobs with higher pay and the broadening of a college studentââ¬â¢s social and mental horizons. College students will also no longer have to worry about being buried in debt after college. As Obama, the 44th president of the United States of America, states, ââ¬Å"As a nation, our future ultimately depends on equipping students like you with the skills and education a 21st-century economy demands. If you have the opportunity to reach your potential and go as far as your talent and hard work will take you, that doesnââ¬â¢t just mean a higher-paying job or a shot at a middle-class life ââ¬â it means a stronger economy for us all. Because if your generation prospers, we all prosper. And Iââ¬â¢m counting on you to help us write the next great chapter in our American storyâ⬠(Obama). In other words, Obama believes that higher education can lead people to success and that it is vital to the nationââ¬â¢s future. Lower college cost will lead to students reaching their potential. While it is true that a decrease in college tuition would just lead to students who are not meant for college wasting their time, there are many students who are actually academic material that cannot afford to get higher education. A study by the Hamilton Project at the Brookings Institution in Washington points out that half of Americans in the top fourth of the income distribution have a college degree. Among the poorest fourth of Americans, fewer than one in ten graduated from college (Porter). Higher education is turning into a privilege for the higher society. The rising cost of college is preventing low-income students from getting higher education. A decrease in college cost will give low-income students more options and it will benefit the larger society in the future. Ultimately, what is at stake here is that students who have the potential to succeed in college are not able to attend because they lack money. College has turned into a privilege for the higher society when it should be oneââ¬â¢s right. Colleges need to be more accountable for making sure that their students graduate. Decreasing college cost will also decrease the number of students being in debt after finishing college. Higher education cost rising is causing low-income students to be locked out of higher education. Therefore, college cost should be lowered so that more students will have the opportunity to get higher education, especially those who lack money. Works Cited Clark, Kim. ââ¬Å"How much does college actually cost? â⬠cnn. com. CNN. Web. 24 November 2013. Johnson, Jenna. ââ¬Å"Majority of college dropouts cite financial struggles as main cause. â⬠The Washington Post. The Washington Post, 8 December 2009. Web. 24 November 2013. Lewin, Tamar. ââ¬Å"College Dropouts Cite Low Money and High Stress. â⬠New York Times. New York Times, 9 December 2009. Web. 24 November 2013. Mahoney, John L. Thoughts In Troubled Times. Journal Of College Admission 209 (2010): 4-6. Academic Search Complete. Web. 24 November 2013. Markell, Jack. How To Give Low-Income Students The Chance They Deserve. Chronicle Of Higher Education 60. 6 (2013): A27. Academic Search Complete. Web. 24 November 2013. Obama, Barack H. ââ¬Å"President Obama on Early Childhood Education. â⬠Remarks by the President on Early Childhood Education. Decatur Community Recreation Center, Decatur, Georgia. 14 February 2013. Perez-Pena, Richard. ââ¬Å"Efforts to Recruit Poor Students Lag at Some Elite Colleges. â⬠New York Times. New York Times, 30 July 2013. Web. 24 November 2013. Porter, Eduardo. ââ¬Å"Dropping Out of College, and Paying the Price. â⬠New York Times. New York Times, 25 June 2013. Web. 24 November 2013.
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