Friday, May 31, 2019
The Causes of Teen Pregnancy, Violence, and Drug Abuse Essay -- Exposi
The Causes of Teen Pregnancy, Violence, and Drug Abuse The headlines proclaimed the controversial news race, poverty, and single-parents were NOT the irrevocable harbingers of drug abuse, young pregnancy, and violence. Instead, researchers were claiming that behaviors that parents and teens could influence -- such as problems at school and the amount of time spent hanging out with friends and the type of friends they chose -- could hollo trouble. Some cynics speculated that this was a rightfield conspiracy to justify abolishing federal programs for the poor. Some assumed that the media, always keen for a dog bites man story, had oversimplified research results to get a newsworthy run bite. On the other hand, some youth advocates welcomed the idea that impoverished minority youth with single parents didnt necessarily have three strikes against them. This study, The Effects of Race/Ethnicity, Income, and Family social organization on Adolescent Risk Behaviors, by Robert Blum, MD. has important implications for all parents and adults who work with youth. The study examines the extent to which race and ethnicity (white, black, or Hispanics), income (6 categories, ranging from $10,000 or less to $61,000 or more), and single-parent homes (i.e., family structure) predict several specific problem behaviors among middle school students and among high school students- Smoking - Alcohol consumption - Suicidal thoughts or attempts - Weapon-related violence - Ever had knowledgeable intercourse (yes/no) These were measured as a continuous range of behaviors, except for sexual intercourse. The results show that race, income, and family structure each influence many of these problem behaviors. I... ... statistics, you willing realize that a white teen from a middle-class two-parent family is almost as likely to get into trouble (or stay out of trouble) as a Black or Hispanic teen from a poor single-parent home. This report should encourage parents of disadvantaged minority students, and the teachers and other adults who work with them, because it indicates some important influences that rotter be modified to help these children. On the other hand, it provides a real wake-up call for white, suburban families who think their children are immune from serious problems. And, it helps explain wherefore substance abuse and tragic violence can occur even in seemingly safe, middle class communities.Source CitedBlum, Robert, MD. The Effects of Race/Ethnicity, Income, and Family organise on Adolescent Risk Behaviors American Journal of Public Health December 2000.
Politics :: essays research papers
MINNESOTAS 4TH U.S. HOUSE ELECTIONThere are three candidates running for Minnesotas 4th U.S. tolerate Democrat, Betty McCollum Republican, Linda Runbeck and Independent, Tom Foley. The issues at hand are Healthcare, prescription drugs, and education.Betty McCollum graduated with a B.S. degree out of Cathrine College. She taught grade school and was a sales manager for twenty- volt years up until her political career began in 1986. She served on St. Pauls City Council from1986 through 1992. In 1992 Betty was elected to the Minnesota House of Representatives and was the but legislator to defeat two incumbents in a single year. Her Legislative accomplishments include the passing of Minnesotas most comprehensive school bus sentry go laws and two constitutional amendments which a) caters citizens to recall elected officials for wrong doing , b) provides bonuses to veterans of the Persian Gulf War. She currently serves on the Mississippi Parkway Commission, a ten state knock commiss ion to protect the environment.Betty McCollum wants to invest over half of non-social security surplus to insure a long-term solvency of Medicare that can be extended to prescription drugs and other(a) medical necessities for seniors and people with disabilities as a means of getting quality, affordable health care. She also wants to hold drug companies accountable drug pricing policies in order to make prescription drugs more on tap(predicate) for seniors. Finally McCollum wants to reduce class size improve teacher quality, modernize school buildings and expand available technology to better education.Republican, Linda Runbeck graduated Bethel College with a B.A. in sociology/ social work. Her political career consists of being the state senator in district 53, from 1993 to the present state object lesson 52A from 1989- 1992 and council member of City of Circle Pines from 1984- 1987. Her professional career began as a caseworker for Ramsy County social servicesbetween1968-69. La ter, Runbeck was an advertising executive for County Seat Stores & Dahlberg Inc., and owned a Miracle capitulum franchise from1991-1995. Today she is the co- owner of Braham Monument Co. McCollum supports state standards on local school implementation and encourages a zero tolerance for violence within the schools. Also, she wants to allow kids to transfer school districts if their current school is too dangerous. McCollum wants to make the government less influential in health care. She feels through individual responsibility in the form of co- pays and deductibles. She supports Minnesotas Senior Prescription Drug Program, which offers financial help to senior living on a fixed income and whose said income generally goes to prescription drugs.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Effects of the Atomic Bomb :: World War II History
Effects of the Atomic BombThe effects of the nuclear bomb were terrible. Theres no doubt in my mind that the nuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were a costly mistake. Atomic bombs produce heat millions of degrees high, and visible ultraviolet and inferred rays.(Lapp 844) Every integrity and everything exposed to their blast is affected. No one is odd untouched, whether it be mad or physical in many cases both. However, many members of the science community argue that the atomic bomb was a extensive advance in technology, and divulge their effect on Hiroshima and Nagasaki as a scientific experiment. People from the defense department in government also see the bomb as great weapons in national defense. When reading my paper, you must decide for yourself the moral issues involved with using atomic bombs in warfare.The day after the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, it rained all day. The rain was pitch black, and very cold.(Pacific War Research Society (PWRS) 245) A huge cloud of dust covered the sun and made what was left of the city very dark. Realizing the bombs effect on climate, a group of scientists came up with the Nuclear Winter Theory in 1983.(Glasstone NPG) The theory states that if only one half(a) the nuclear warheads in the United States were exploded, there would be enough smoke and dust in the atmosphere to block sunlight for several months destroying all prove life and creating a subfreezing climate until the dust dispersed.(Glasstone NPG) According to the Nuclear Winter Theory, that would be the end of human civilization(Glasstone NPG) Although the US Department of Defense acknowledges the grimness of this theory they say that it wont affect its defense policies on how many warheads are kept.(Glasstone NPG)Although atomic bombs can have a catastrophic effect on climate, we learned that their effect on buildings is almost as bad. With the bombings in World War 2, we saw their effect on historic landmarks, houses, and offic e buildings. When the bomb was dropped only one mile away from ground zero, the blast cracked walls over twelve inches thick.(Lapp 843) The shockwave after the bomb was felt over a mile away. Heat incinerated everything within a 500 yard radius of the hypocenter. In Hiroshima, the blast demolished all buildings except those that were earthquake resistant.(Lapp 843) Some buildings just vanished into air.(PWRS 243)However terrible the effect of atomic bombs on climate and buildings, what stands out most in our minds about atomic bombs is usually the people.
Essay --
The man to discover Alzheimers disease was Alois Alzheimer he discovered it after a uncomplaining with an abnormal mental illness passed. Alzheimers, also known as AD, is named after Alois Alzheimer and is a continuing loss of brain function that affects thinking skills, such as forming or retrieving memories and judgment. I think that it took him so long to discover that it was a new disease because Alzheimers can be so subtle that moreover a drastic change in the view of the brain can show the outcome of the cells. This disease affects older people however it is not a normal part of aging. AD does not have a cure yet, scientists argon however trying to find the root of the disease and control its wasteful powers. Currently there is no cure for Alzheimers, scientists have also tried to increase the time for which the disease can fully take over the spirit cell connections, however that to cannot be achieved present-day, sometimes if the disease is caught early on it can be slow ed down, nevertheless it is very rare. They are however developing treatments that may help with the symptoms. Out of about 7 billion people in the world, 300 trillion are American and the Alzheimers Association states that, More than 5 million Americans have Alzheimers disease today (Stone, Genetics and Alzheimers). Alzheimers disease is the source of the destruction or decline of brain cells or nerve cells. As a forget of damaged nerve cells, the brain may have fewer bonds as compared to healthy brain cells. Amyloid plaques are outside the cell and are clusters of protein, Neurofibrillary tangles are proteins too, but they are inside the cell. It has not been confirmed on whether or not these protein clumps have any effect on Alzheimers or not, but they are ... ...e destructive as she aged. It advanced to the point of not remembering her grandchildren, or even sometimes her children. She seemed to be stuck in time, for example, the only person she could rightfully remember w as her husband who passed about 14 years ago, everyday she waited for this man that was never going to come back. I thought that it was unusual because she had only had it for 8 years so I didnt understand how she couldnt remember anybody before that. I wanted to be able to comprehend what was happening in her mind. Alzheimers affects the minds ability to function, and only worsens over time, to the point were you have to be cared for hourly. While there is not a cure for it, an interest by scientists sparks the inclination to find one. The topic appealed to me because while it seems that Alzheimers doesnt have much depth, it is actually a very complicated.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Enders Game :: essays research papers
Enders GameIn this book Orson Scott Card writes about a boy who is born(p) to save the Earth. Ender Widgeon is born as a Third in the future where only two children are allowed per family. Enders older brother and sister, shot and Valentine, were not what the g everywherenment needed to save the world, so Ender was born, that he would be somewhere in the middle of their extremes. shaft is too violent, and Valentine has too much empathy. Ender is the compensate combination for the Battle School. Ender and Peter have power, plainly, only Ender has respect. Both of them are killers, but Peter loves killing while Ender regrets it after he does it. They both also become heroes, but both will not remain heroes when the historians begin to examine things.Though Peter and Ender both have power over other people. However, Ender & Peter get and use their power differently. Peter gets power by terrifying people. Everyone knows he is a cold-blooded murderer, so they do as he says because t hey are afraid. Also, he influences on the nets (The nets are networks similar to the internet). He uses them to sway the public. Once Peter has gotten power, he uses the power for himself. He uses people as pawns to do what he wantsto rule the world. However, Ender gets his power by being the best at all the games. He becomes commander of an ground forces. But, he doesnt use the army to get anything for himself, except to be number one in the point standings. He makes the people in his command better soldiers by telling them what he knows. He allows the platoon leaders to make decisions in battles, so that the whole army doesnt rely on him all the time. Peter and Ender kill throughout the book. Peter kills squirrels and animals. He threatens to kill Ender and Valentine if they do not do as he tells them. He enjoys these kind of things. He shows no sorrow or sympathy for the deathlike animals he leaves in his back yard. Ender kills out of defense and feels lots of sorrow. He never intends to kill anyone that he kills. All the people he kills are accidental, but if Ender wouldnt have killed them, they would have killed him. These deaths are hidden from Ender because of the pain he would feel knowing what he had done.
Free Julius Caesar Essays: Expediency vs. Ideology :: Julius Caesar Essays
Expediency vs. political orientation in Julius Caesar Expediency is the concept of doing something fitting, practical, useful, and advisable. It is the suitable means to accomplish an end. Ideology is the body of beliefs or ideas of any person or group. These two words, if put together, clash. It is a battle between what is really best between what one thinks and what necessitate to be through with(p). An excellent example of this clash is in Shakespeares Julius Caesar. Was the death of Caesar something that was done pragmatically or was it an action taken because of certain convictions, an ideology? Was Caesars death practical? Would it bring about positive change for Roman society? The main reason that the conspirators gave for their action was that if Caesar were crowned king, he would become a tyrant, an oppressor of the Roman people. It was done in the best interests of the Republic. Now that he was dead, Caesar could never be a tyrant and the Romans could live in free dom. His murder, therefore, was necessary. Brutus and Cassius took it upon themselves to be the operative forces to garbage down Caesar. These were expedient men who cared only for Rome. Or were they? The flip side to being practical and doing what is best for others is taking action because of what one thinks needs to be done and/or actually doing it for selfish reasons. Julius Caesars death also can be considered an ideological decision. In I, ii, ll. 35-180, Cassius brings forth the issue that he thought Brutus could be as good a ruler as Caesar. Why does Cassius bring this up? What does he get from saying this? One might say that these were load-bearing(a) words from one friend to another. However, these words serve as a catalyst for Brutus plan to murder Caesar. Among the conspirators, did they have any motives behind their participation in Caesars murder?
Essay --
Mankind has many health problems in life that cause discomfort. The nursing practice is very eventful for it seeks ways to relieve such problems. Solutions to health problems come after a corporation of research that offers dependable results. The writer seeks to expound how complex nursing interventions be used to relieve health problems.Review of the Research Example in Chapter 10 and how QUAN Methods foundation enhance the StudyThe research was on constipation and its personal effect on the shade of life. The solution suggested is abdominal massage, which boosts bowel movements and with no side effects as in laxatives. The research was conducted because previous studies had proved to be methodologically flawed. The design used in the study was a randomized control trial. The participants were 60 individuals suffering from constipation put into 2 groups randomly. The intervention group got laxatives and abdominal massage while the control group only got laxatives. Bowel mo vement was calculated using the Gastrointestinal Symptoms Rating Scale (GSRS) at the baseline, week 4 and week 8 after the interventions. Statistical methods were linear regression Wilcoxon sign straddle test, and Mann-Whitney U-test (Thorpe, 2009).Quantitative research design can be used to catch out how an independent variable relates with a dependent variable in a sample. A descriptive study can be used where there are hundreds or thousands of participants. If the study is experimental, then only tens of participants can be used, but a higher number is better for accuracy. The effect of abdominal massage compared to laxatives can be better measured if the sample of participants is less heterogeneous in name of age and lifestyle. If these measures are taken, they can accurately ... ...ribed since there is the databases from which data was to be extracted were stated. Ancestry searches were conducted. Hand searches of journals were done (Chang, 2010).The criteria for selecting primary studies were clearly explained as those that examined the effects of sensible activity intervention on the quality of life. It is stated that it should be an English-language study, make after 1970, involves a sample of at least five participants, and includes measures to assess the quality of life. Various research designs were applied. Eligible published and unpublished reports were used. Adequate instruction was extracted about methodological and administrative aspects of the study since a formal protocol was created, fender tested, and revised. Plenty of information regarding participants, interventions, and methods were gotten from the study (Bench, 2010). Essay -- Mankind has many health problems in life that cause discomfort. The nursing practice is very important for it seeks ways to relieve such problems. Solutions to health problems come after a lot of research that offers dependable results. The writer seeks to expound how complex nursing inter ventions are used to relieve health problems.Review of the Research Example in Chapter 10 and how QUAN Methods can enhance the StudyThe research was on constipation and its effects on the quality of life. The solution suggested is abdominal massage, which boosts bowel movements and with no side effects as in laxatives. The research was conducted because previous studies had proved to be methodologically flawed. The design used in the study was a randomized control trial. The participants were 60 individuals suffering from constipation put into 2 groups randomly. The intervention group got laxatives and abdominal massage while the control group only got laxatives. Bowel movement was measured using the Gastrointestinal Symptoms Rating Scale (GSRS) at the baseline, week 4 and week 8 after the interventions. Statistical methods were linear regression Wilcoxon sign rank test, and Mann-Whitney U-test (Thorpe, 2009).Quantitative research design can be used to determine how an independent v ariable relates with a dependent variable in a sample. A descriptive study can be used where there are hundreds or thousands of participants. If the study is experimental, then only tens of participants can be used, but a higher number is better for accuracy. The effect of abdominal massage compared to laxatives can be better measured if the sample of participants is less heterogeneous in terms of age and lifestyle. If these measures are taken, they can accurately ... ...ribed since there is the databases from which data was to be extracted were stated. Ancestry searches were conducted. Hand searches of journals were done (Chang, 2010).The criteria for selecting primary studies were clearly explained as those that examined the effects of physical activity intervention on the quality of life. It is stated that it should be an English-language study, published after 1970, involves a sample of at least five participants, and includes measures to assess the quality of life. Various res earch designs were applied. Eligible published and unpublished reports were used. Adequate information was extracted about methodological and administrative aspects of the study since a formal protocol was created, pilot tested, and revised. Plenty of information regarding participants, interventions, and methods were gotten from the study (Bench, 2010).
Irish Novels Essay -- Comparative Literature
...for we have rights drawn from the soil and skythe use, the pace, the patient eld of labour,...this is our country also, nowhere elseand we shall not be outcast on the world.John Hewitt, The ColonyFor more years the extensive House in Ire get down was very important. In an agrarian society, the estate system formed a backdrop for the economy and culture of the island. The Anglo-Irish considerable House is a diachronic structure that has been employed for various purposes in the literature of a variety of Irish authors. The Big House as a symbol of wealth and complaisant status in Ireland is associated preeminently with the Anglo-Irish. The Big Houses of Ireland are very important to gain any understanding of the political, economic and social developments in Ireland between the seventeenth and twentieth centuries. Some historical as well as literary interpretations are very contr everywheresial - because of the controversial affair of the Anglo-Irish community in Ireland. I n real life an Anglo-Irish Big House was the home of and represented the wealth and power of the Anglo-Irish community and their supreme authority over the local community. Anglo-Irish big house dwellers were the personification of the chasm between the native Catholic Irish people and their colonizers, the Protestant Englishmen. The big house novel is not purely Anglo-Irish concept. Ireland has a long history - Celtic and Gaelic tribes lived in the island already centuries before the English or other occupants came. The same happened in many places in the world - America, Canada, Africa and even in the Baltic States. Conquerors came, saw and took the land and power. Occupants seem to adopt a similiar pattern of behaviour everywhere. When they come, they ... an Introduction by Kathryn J. Kilpatrick. New York Penguin, 1993Graham, Colin.,,History, sexuality amd the Colonial Moment Castle Rackrent, in Irish Studies look backward (No. 14 1996, spring)Johnston, Jennifer. How ma ny Miles to Babylon? London Penguin Books, 1988Kiberd, Declan. Inventing Ireland The writings of the Modern Nation. London Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1995Mcmanus, Karen.,,Prodding Republicanism, in fortnight (1995, April) 36-37.http// Irish Novels Essay -- Comparative Literature...for we have rights drawn from the soil and skythe use, the pace, the patient years of labour,...this is our country also, nowhere elseand we shall not be outcast on the world.John Hewitt, The ColonyFor many years the Big House in Ireland was very important. In an agrarian society, the estate system formed a backdrop for the economy and culture of the island. The Anglo-Irish Big House is a historical structure that has been employed for various purposes in the literature of a variety of Irish authors. The Big House as a symbol of wealth and social status in Ireland is assoc iated pre-eminently with the Anglo-Irish. The Big Houses of Ireland are very important to gain any understanding of the political, economic and social developments in Ireland between the seventeenth and twentieth centuries. Some historical as well as literary interpretations are very controversial - because of the controversial role of the Anglo-Irish community in Ireland. In real life an Anglo-Irish Big House was the home of and represented the wealth and power of the Anglo-Irish community and their supreme authority over the local community. Anglo-Irish big house dwellers were the personification of the chasm between the native Catholic Irish people and their colonizers, the Protestant Englishmen. The big house novel is not purely Anglo-Irish concept. Ireland has a long history - Celtic and Gaelic tribes lived in the island already centuries before the English or other occupants came. The same happened in many places in the world - America, Canada, Africa and even in the Baltic St ates. Conquerors came, saw and took the land and power. Occupants seem to adopt a similiar pattern of behaviour everywhere. When they come, they ... an Introduction by Kathryn J. Kilpatrick. New York Penguin, 1993Graham, Colin.,,History, Gender amd the Colonial Moment Castle Rackrent, in Irish Studies Review (No. 14 1996, spring)Johnston, Jennifer. How many Miles to Babylon? London Penguin Books, 1988Kiberd, Declan. Inventing Ireland The Literature of the Modern Nation. London Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1995Mcmanus, Karen.,,Prodding Republicanism, in Fortnight (1995, April) 36-37.http//
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
The Ground Work Trust :: Papers
The Ground Work conceive The first Groundwork Trust was accomplished 21 categorys ago on Merseyside. Seventeen years later, there are 44 independent Groundwork companies all over England, Wales and Northern Ireland, to each one with charitable objectives to bring social and economic regeneration into areas of need. The Groundwork approach has also been adopted in Japan and the USA where the National Park gain is supporting a growing number of Trusts. Groundworks purpose is to build sustainable communities through joint environmental action. They do this by getting residents, businesses and different local organisations involved in practical projects that improve the quality of life, bring about regeneration and lay the foundations for sustainable development . The Projects of the Ground Work Trust aim to improve things in three ways - creating opportunities for people to learn new skills and take local action - creating better, safer and hea lthier neighbourhoods - helping businesses and individuals fulfill their authorisation The Groundwork Trust recognises that people, places Photo - Communitiesand ( ) prosperity are inextricably linked and so aims to design projects that bring benefits for all three at once. They believe this combine approach is vital if we are to bring about sustainable development - meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs In 2000-2001 Groundwork spent 76 one million million on practical regeneration projects. We received money from the following sources * UKGovernment and national assemblies* - 14.2 million (18%) * Private sector - 16.5 million (22%) * Local authorities - 13.3 million (17%) * European Union - 10.7 million (14%) * National Lottery - 6.2 million (8%) * Other regeneration funding (RDAs, SRB etc) - 16.3 million (21%) Last year Groundwork receiv ed a central grant of 7.7 million from the Department of Transport, Local Government and the Regions (DTLR). The money was spent as follows * Physical environmental improvements - 44 million (58%)
Music - The Hip-hop Movement Essay examples -- Exploratory Essays Rese
Music - The rap music Movement Hip-hop has become a new cultural phenomenon in North America and has become sort of popular all over the world. Hip-hop began in the 1970s in New York City where it has its origins in the African-American community. However, because of music videos, Hip-hop culture has become kindly to everyone in society and has merged into mainstream pop culture. Hip-hop culture may not have been as popular if it was not for the accessibility of this new media. The Hip-hop movement began in the 1970s in the Southern Bronx of New York City. There are endless controversies surrounding the beginning of hip-hop, as no one is really quite a sure what was the defining point. However, what is evident from every critique on this movement is that hip-hop began as a reaction to the economic and social situation in New York City. Jeff Chan, the senior editor and director of a hip-hop culture website, believes that the first incidence of this new social movement occurred dur ing the summer fires in July, 1975 when 40 fires were set in a three-hour period (Born). He further notes slumlords were employing young thugs to systematically burn the devalued buildings to chase out the poor tenants and cop millions in insurance. Hip-hop, it could be said, was born in fire (Born). As people in the Bronx began to respond to the situation they found themselves in, other signs of cultural qualify emerged. For example, in 1972, the residents of the Bronx started to post graffiti on walls or other surfaces where the public would view them. They were defying public standards and tagging private buildings as a way of taking ownership of their own environment, if not literally, at least figuratively (Tate). A few years la... ... Rivers Press, 1998.Ogg, Alex, et al. The Hip-hop Years A History of Rap. Trans-Atlantic Publications. 4 Mar. 2001. pp. 5. 10 Mar. 2001. http// obidos/ASIN/0752217801/ reader%3Dase%5Fbboyscomhiphopcu/107-77 32669- 9666131. Soul Train Awards Roll Into 15 Years - Black Musicians Honored in Saturday Telecast. Toronto Star 2 Mar. 2001. 4 Mar. 2001 http// /AppLogic+FTContentServer?pagename=thestar/Layout/Article_Type1&c=Article &cid=983550557972&call_page=968867505297&call_pageid=968867505297&ca ll_pagepath=Entertainment,Life/Fashion. Tate, Greg. Hip-hop. Britannica Online. 16 Feb. 2001 http// m/eb/article/5/0,5716,128675+1+117537,00.html?query+hip%20hop%20dancing The Mind Squad. Who is Killing the Spirits of Hip-hop? The Source
The Ground Work Trust :: Papers
The Ground Work Trust The first Groundwork Trust was established 21 years ago on Merseyside. Seventeen years later, there are 44 independent Groundwork companies all over England, Wales and Northern Ireland, each with charitable objectives to lend social and economic regeneration into areas of need. The Groundwork approach has also been adopted in Japan and the USA where the National Park Service is supporting a growing spot of Trusts. Groundworks purpose is to build sustainable communities through joint environmental action. They do this by getting residents, businesses and other local organisations involved in functional projects that improve the quality of life, bring about regeneration and lay the foundations for sustainable development . The Projects of the Ground Work Trust aim to improve things in terce ways - creating opportunities for people to learn new skills and take local action - creating better, safer and healthier neighbourhoo ds - helping businesses and individuals fulfill their potential The Groundwork Trust recognises that people, places Photo - Communitiesand ( ) prosperity are inextricably linked and so aims to design projects that bring benefits for all three at once. They believe this integrated approach is vital if we are to bring about sustainable development - meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs In 2000-2001 Groundwork spent 76 meg on practical regeneration projects. We received money from the following sources * UKGovernment and national assemblies* - 14.2 million (18%) * Private sector - 16.5 million (22%) * Local authorities - 13.3 million (17%) * European Union - 10.7 million (14%) * National Lottery - 6.2 million (8%) * Other regeneration funding (RDAs, SRB etc) - 16.3 million (21%) Last year Groundwork received a substitution grant of 7.7 milli on from the Department of Transport, Local Government and the Regions (DTLR). The money was spent as follows * Physical environmental improvements - 44 million (58%)
Music - The Hip-hop Movement Essay examples -- Exploratory Essays Rese
Music - The Hip-hop Movement Hip-hop has become a new cultural phenomenon in North America and has become quite frequent all over the world. Hip-hop began in the 1970s in unsanded York City where it has its origins in the African-American community. However, because of music videos, Hip-hop culture has become accessible to everyone in society and has merged into mainstream pop culture. Hip-hop culture may not have been as popular if it was not for the accessibility of this new media. The Hip-hop cause began in the 1970s in the Southern Bronx of New York City. There are endless controversies surrounding the beginning of hip-hop, as no one is really quite undisputable what was the defining point. However, what is evident from every critique on this movement is that hip-hop began as a reaction to the economic and social situation in New York City. Jeff Chan, the senior editor and director of a hip-hop culture website, believes that the first incidence of this new social movement occ urred during the summer fires in July, 1975 when 40 fires were make out in a three-hour period (Born). He further notes slumlords were employing young thugs to systematically burn the devalued buildings to chase out the poor tenants and collect millions in insurance. Hip-hop, it could be said, was born in fire (Born). As people in the Bronx began to respond to the situation they found themselves in, other signs of cultural change emerged. For example, in 1972, the residents of the Bronx started to post graffiti on walls or other surfaces where the public would view them. They were defying public standards and tagging private buildings as a way of taking possessership of their own environment, if not literally, at least figuratively (Tate). A few years la... ... Rivers Press, 1998.Ogg, Alex, et al. The Hip-hop Years A History of Rap. Trans-Atlantic Publications. 4 Mar. 2001. pp. 5. 10 Mar. 2001. http// obidos/ASIN/0752217801/ref%3Dase%5Fbboysco mhiphopcu/107-7732669- 9666131. consciousness Train Awards Roll Into 15 Years - Black Musicians Honored in Saturday Telecast. Toronto Star 2 Mar. 2001. 4 Mar. 2001 http// /AppLogic+FTContentServer?pagename=thestar/Layout/Article_Type1&c=Article &cid=983550557972&call_page=968867505297&call_pageid=968867505297&ca ll_pagepath=Entertainment,Life/Fashion. Tate, Greg. Hip-hop. Britannica Online. 16 Feb. 2001 http// m/eb/article/5/0,5716,128675+1+117537,00.html?query+hip%20hop%20dancing The Mind Squad. Who is Killing the Spirits of Hip-hop? The Source
Monday, May 27, 2019
Industrial Hemp
Legalize Industrial Hemp General Purpose To inform the class on why industrial balancer is illegal and the benefits of legalizing industrial hangmans rope. Specific Purpose To provide my audience with a better understanding of how useful industrial hemp could be for the parsimony. Central Idea Due to the war on drugs, hemp production is severely limited however, with the proper legalization and regulation of this plant the U. S. economy would prosper due to job creation and the environment would benefit by the amount of tress saved. Introduction Attention A.Imagine if scientists discovered a new plant, a plant they say has the potential to both save money and conserve the environment. B. The plant grows quickly, is easy to cultivate, and mess be used as a fix in virtually any industry. 1. Textiles, building materials, food, paper, and cosmetics, even fuel can be made from this seemingly magical crop. C. This plant is a renewable preference that ecologically benefits the environm ent it is planted in. D. But heres the punch line this plant exists, and humans have been using it for thousands of years. * II. Orientation A. I am a US consumer and a user of hemp products.B. The legalization of Industrial Hemp would give the U. S. an opportunity to become stronger economically, strengthen national security and patron heal the environment. C. Due to its racy content of beneficial oils and natural emollient properties, hemp is becoming a common ingredient in lotions and many separate skin, hair, and cosmetic products. 1. It is a good alternative to toxic chemicals present in many petroleum based lotions and cosmetics. Main Body * I. It is illegal to grow industrial hemp in the United States, with the exception of a few states that have passed legislation allowing the crops cultivation.This is because of hemps unfortunate cousin, marijuana. A. The main variety between the two plants is the amount of tetrahybrocannabinol (better known as THC), the chemical in mar ijuana that induces psychoactive effects in users. 1. Industrial hemp and marijuana atomic number 18 not the same plant, and there is nothing anyone can do to turn a hemp plant into a marijuana plant. 2. Industrial hemp is slight than one percent THC, while marijuana generally has a THC content between five and 20 percent. This makes it nearly impossible to baffle high from smoking hemp. B. To receive a standard psychoactive dose of THC from hemp, according to naihc. rg, one would have to smoke 10 to 12 hemp cigarettes in an extremely short period of time. C. The large volume and high temperature of the smoke would be almost impossible for a person to withstand. * II. Growing industrial hemp in the U. S. would be extremely beneficial environmentally. A. Industrial hemp as been used as paper as far back as 770 AD in China and drafts of the United States Constitution was written on hemp paper. 1. Hemp can yield as much as four generation more pulp per acre compared to trees. 2. He mp takes 120 days to mature, compare that to trees that take decades to mature. 3.Countless trees would be allowed to remain standing for oxygen production and carbon sequestration, which would reduce global warming. B. Amongst its thousands of uses, Hemp is an eco-friendly alternative to producing food, oils, body care products, cosmetics, consumer and industrial textiles, building materials, industrial and technical products too numerous to name here. C. Hemp requires no harmful chemicals much(prenominal) as pesticides and fungicides, grows extremely fast in any climate and also replenishes the soil with nutrients and nitrogen which helps control erosion of topsoil, a serious agricultural enigma in the U.S. and globally. III. Growing industrial hemp in the U. S. would be highly beneficial economically. A. It would put more Americans to work and the U. S. would not have to import industrial hemp from other countries anymore. 1. Industrial hemp can create jobs in these counties w here unemployment is well above the national average. 2. With a North American market that exceeds $ccc million in annual retail sales and continued rising demand, industrial hemp could generate thousands of sustainable new jobs, helping America to get back on track. B. Hemp is stronger than normal fiberboard.In France, a mixture of hemp, water and lime is used to make cement that is used in the building of ccc homes per year. C. Industrial hemp as a cash crop in the United States has a history as old as the United States itself. 1. The presentation Fathers grew hemp and it was an integral crop in the economic structure of the colonial United States. 2. Industrial hemp supported our economy during World War II. windup I. Summary A. There are many uses for industrial hemp and there are many economic and environmental advantages with industrial hemp.B. We can import it, we can sell products made from industrial hemp, but we cannot grow it. II. Clincher A. It makes no sense to ban gr owing a plant that has enormous economic and environmental potential, grows naturally by the millions, and is impossible to exterminate. B. There are no good reasons why the growing of industrial hemp in the United States is illegal at this time. C. Considering the benefits growing hemp, not only should it be legalized, the government should actually encourage farmers to grow it. D. U. S.Presidents and founding fathers George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew hemp, used hemp products, and were hemp advocates. 1. prepare the most of the hemp seed, sow it everywhere. George Washington, first president of the U. S. and hemp advocate. * Works Cited Colwell, D. (2009, Mar. 25). AlterNet. Retrieved Nov. 01, 2012, from Hemp Is Not Pot Its the Economic Stimulus and Green Jobs Solution We involve http//www. alternet. org Curran, D. (2010, Nov. 16). The Massachusetts Daily Collegian . Retrieved Nov. 4, 2012, from Legailize industrial hemp. Golden, S. (1996). The Hemp Industry Source Bo ok. Sebastopol Mari Kane.
Assignment on the Contribution of Charles Babbage, Adam Smith and Robert Owen in the Field of Management Essay
Contribution of Charles Babbage in the field of Management Charles Babbage (17921871) is known as the patron saint of operations research and management science. Babbages scientific inventions included a mechanical calculator (his difference engine), a various(a) computer (his analytical engine), and a punch-card machine. Babbages most successful book, On the Economy of Machinery and Manufacturers, published in 1832, described the tools and machinery used in side factories.It discussed the economic principles of manufacturing, and analyzed the operations the skills used and suggested improved practices. He showed that reducing the tasks of manufacturing to their simplest activities increases the numbers of people who can do them and, thus, reduces the average wage which needs to be paid. According to him, a hightail it should be divided into mental and physical efforts and a worker should be paid a bonus in property to his own efficiency and success of the business.Babbage emphasi zed the importance of sub function of labor, indicating that greater profit could be made by specializing. Babbage also emphasized the importance of counterweight in processes and the principle of optimum size of the manufacturing unit for each class of product. Contribution of RobertOwenin the field of Management Robert Owen (17711858) was a successful Scottish entrepreneur and a utopian socialist who sowed the first seeds of concern for the workers. He was repulsed by the working conditions and poor treatment of the workers in the factories across Scotland.Owen became a reformer. At newborn Larnark, in his factory he was trying to make different approaches to the workers. He reduced the use of child labor and used moral persuasion instead than corporal punishment in his factories. He chided his fellow factory owners for treating their equipment better than they treated their workers. In 1813 he proposed a factory bill to prohibit concern of children under the age of ten and t o limit hours for all children to 103/4 hours per day with no night work.The bill became law six years later, but was special to cotton mills, reduced the age limit to nine, and included no provision for inspections therefore, the law had little impact. Owen was totally devoted to management as a profession. chthonic his direction, houses and streets were built, the minimum working age for children was raised, working hours were decreased, meal facilities were provided, schooling were introduced, and evening recreation centers were opened to meet the problem of leisure. He is the father of modern force-out Management.Contribution of AdamSmithin the field of Management Adam Smith (17231790) was a Scottish political economist. His Wealth of Nations, published in 1776, naturalized the classical school and with its publication, he became the father of liberal economics. Smith argued that market and competition should be the regulators of economic activity and that tariff policies w ere destructive. The specialization of labor was the lynchpin of Smiths market system. According to Smith, division of labor provided managers with the greatest opportunity for increased productivity.He gives three reasons for the increased output due to the division of labor a) to the increased dexterity in every particular workman b) to the saving of time which is commonly lost in passing from one species of work to another c) to the invention of a great number of machines which facilitate and abridge labor, and enable one man to do the work of many. His idea about the division of labor is fundamental to modern work simplification and time study, and extends also into such areas as production simplification.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Phil .Literature Essay
Philippine literary production during the American Period in the Philippines was spurred by devil significant developments in pedagogics and culture. One is the introduction of free public instruction for all children of school age and two, the use of English as medium of instruction in all levels of education in public schools. Free public education do knowledge and information accessible to a greater number of Filipinos. Those who availed of this education through college were able to improve their social status and joined a good number of educated masses who became p artistic creation of the countrys center field class.The use of English as medium of instruction introduced Filipinos to Anglo-American modes of thought, culture and life ways that would be embedded not only in the literary productions produced save in like manner in the psyche of the countrys educated class. It was this educated class that would be the wellspring of a vibrant Philippine Literature in English. Philippine books in English, as a direct result of American colonization of the country, could not escape being imitative of American models of paper especially during its arrest of apprenticeship.The poetry written by other(a) poets manifested studied attempts at versification as in the following poem which is proof of the poets kind of elementary exercise in the English language Vacation days at last are here, And we drop time for fun so dear, every(prenominal) boys and girls do gladly cheer, This welcomed season of the year. In early June in school well meet A harder task shall we complete And if we fail we must repeat That ego aforesaid(prenominal) task without retreat. We simply rest to come again To school where boys and girls obtain The Creators gift to men Whose sanguine hopes in us remain. Vacation means a time for playFor young and old in night and day My wish for all is to be gay, And evil no(prenominal) lead you astray- Juan F. Salazar Philippines Free Press, May 9, 1909 The poem was anthologized in the first collection of poetry in English, Filipino Poetry, change by Rodolfo Dato (1909 1924). Among the poets featured in this anthology were Proceso Sebastian Maximo Kalaw, Fernando Maramag, Leopoldo Uichanco, Jose Ledesma, Vicente Callao, capital of Chile Sevilla, Bernardo Garcia, Francisco Africa, Pablo Anzures, Carlos P. Romulo, Francisco Tonogbanua, Juan Pastrana, Maria Agoncillo, Paz Marquez Benitez, Luis Dato and many others.Another anthology, The English German Anthology of Poetsedited by Pablo Laslo was published and covered poets published from 1924-1934 among whom were Teofilo D. Agcaoili, Aurelio Alvero, Horacio de la Costa, Amador T. Daguio, Salvador P. trotz, Angela Manalang Gloria, Trinidad Tarrosa, Abelardo Subido and Jose Garcia Villa, among others. A third pre-war collection of poetry was edited by Carlos Bulosan, Chorus for America Six Philippine Poets. The six poets in this collection were Jose Garcia Villa, Rafael Zu lueta da Costa, Rodrigo T. Feria, C. B. Rigor, Cecilio Baroga and Carlos Bulosan.In fiction, the period of apprenticeship in literary piece in English is marked by imitation of the style of account statementtelling and strict adherence to the craft of the short tale as practiced by popular American fictionists. Early short story writers in English were often dubbed as the Andersons or Saroyans or the Hemingways of Philippine letters. Leopoldo Yabes in his study of the Philippine short story in English from 1925 to 1955 points to these models of American fiction exerting profound influence on the early writings of story writers like Francisco Arcellana, A.E. Litiatco, Paz Latorena. . When the University of the Philippines was founded in 1908, an elite group of writers in English began to exert influence among the culturati. The U. P. Writers Club founded in 1926, had stated that one of its aims was to enhance and propagate the language of Shakespeare. In 1925, Paz Marquez Benitez short story, Dead Stars was published and was made the landmark of the maturity of the Filipino writer in English. Soon later Benitez, short story writers began publishing stories no longer imitative of American models.Thus, story writers like Icasiano Calalang, A. E. Litiatco, Arturo Rotor, Lydia Villanueva, Paz Latorena , Manuel Arguilla began publishing stories manifesting both skilled use of the language and a keen Filipino sensibility. This combination of writing in a borrowed tongue plot dwelling on Filipino customs and traditions earmarked the literary output of major Filipino fictionists in English during the American period. Thus, the major novels of the period, such as the Filipino Rebel, by Maximo Kalaw, and His Native Soil by Juan C.Laya, are discourses on cultural identity, nationhood and being Filipino through with(p) in the English language. Stories such as How My companion Leon Brought Home a Wife by Manuel Arguilla scanned the scenery as well as the folkways of Ilocandia while N. V. M. Gonzaless novels and stories such as Children of the Ash Covered Loam, evince the panorama of Mindoro, in all its customs and traditions while configuring its characters in the human dilemma of nostalgia and poverty.Apart from Arguilla and Gonzales, noted fictionists during the period included Francisco Arcellana, whom Jose Garcia Villa lauded as a protagonist storyteller, Consorcio Borje, Aida Rivera, Conrado Pedroche, Amador Daguio, Sinai Hamada, Hernando Ocampo, Fernando Maria Guerrero. Jose Garcia Villa himself wrote several short stories but devoted well-nigh of his time to poetry. In 1936, when the Philippine Writers League was organized, Filipino writers in English began discussing the value of literature in society. Initiated and led by Salvador P.Lopez, whose essays on Literature and Societyprovoked debates, the discussion centered on proletarian literature, i. e. , engaged or committed literature versus the art for arts sake literary orientatio n. But this discussion curiously left out the issue of colonialism and colonial literature and the whole place of literary writing in English under a colonial rectify-up that was the Philippines then. With Salvador P. Lopez, the essay in English gained the upper hand in day to day discourse on politics and governance. Polemicists who used to write in Spanish like Claro M.Recto, slowly started using English in the discussion of current events even as theme dailies moved away from Spanish reporting into English. Among the essayists, Federico Mangahas had an easy facility with the language and the essay as genre. Other noted essayists during the period were Fernando Maramag, Carlos P. Romulo , Conrado Ramirez. On the other hand, the peak of a vibrant literary tradition due to historical events did not altogether hamper literary production in the native or autochthonic languages.In fact, the early period of the 20th century was remarkable for the significant literary output of all m ajor languages in the various literary genre. It was during the early American period that seditious plays, using the form of the zarsuwela, were mounted. Zarsuwelistas Juan Abad, Aurelio Tolentino ,Juan Matapang Cruz. Juan Crisostomo Sotto mounted the classics like Tanikalang Ginto, Kahapon, Ngayon at Bukas and Hindi Ako Patay, all directed against the American imperialists. Patricio Marianos Anak ng Dagat and Severino Reyess Walang Sugat are equally remarkable zarsuwelas staged during the period.On the eve of World War II, Wilfredo Maria Guerrero would gain dominance in theatre through his one-act plays which he toured through his mobile theatre. Thus, Wanted a Chaperone and The Forsaken Housebecame very popular in campuses throughout the archipelago. The novel in Tagalog, Iloko, Hiligaynon and Sugbuanon also highly-developed during the period aided largely by the steady publication of weekly magazines like the Liwayway, Bannawag and Bisaya which serialized the novels. Among the e arly Tagalog novelists of the 20th century were Ishmael Amado, Valeriano Hernandez Pena, Faustino Aguilar, Lope K.Santos and Lazaro Francisco. Ishmael Amados Bulalakaw ng Pag-asa published in 1909 was one of the earliest novels that dealt with the theme of American imperialism in the Philippines. The novel, however, was not released from the printing press until 1916, at which time, the author, by his own admission and after having been sent as a pensionado to the U. S. , had other ideas apart from those he wrote in the novel. Valeriano Hernandez Penas Nena at Neneng narrates the story of two women who happened to be best of friends as they fight with their relationships with the men in their lives.Nena succeeds in her married life while Neneng suffers from a stormy marriage because of her jealous husband. Faustino Aguilar published Pinaglahuan, a love triangle set in the early years of the century when the workers movement was being formed. The novels hero, Luis Gatbuhay, is a wor ker in a printery who isimprisoned for a false accusation and loses his love, Danding, to his rival Rojalde, son of a wealthy capitalist. Lope K. Santos, Banaag at Sikat has almost the same theme and motif as the hero of the novel, Delfin, also falls in love with a rich woman, daughter of a wealthy landlord.The love story of course is set also within the footing of development of the workers trade union movement and throughout the novel, Santos engages the readers in lengthy treatises and discourses on socialism and capitalism. Many other Tagalog novelists wrote on variations of the same theme, i. e. , the interplay of fate, love and social justice. Among these writers are Inigo Ed Regalado, Roman Reyes, Fausto J. Galauran, Susana de Guzman, Rosario de Guzman-Lingat, Lazaro Francisco, Hilaria Labog, Rosalia Aguinaldo, Amado V. Hernandez.Many of these writers were able to produce three or more novels as Soledad Reyes would bear out in her book which is the result of her dissertation , Ang Nobelang Tagalog (1979). Among the Iloko writers, noted novelists were Leon Pichay, who was also the regions poet laureate then, Hermogenes Belen, and Mena Pecson Crisologo whose Mining wenno Ayat ti Kararwa is considered to be the Iloko version of a Noli me Tangere. In the Visayas, Magdalena Jalandoni and Ramon Muzones would lead most writers in writing the novels that dwelt on the themes of love, courtship, life in the farmlands, and other social upheavals of the period.Marcel Navarra wrote stories and novels in Sugbuhanon. Poetry in all languages continued to flourish in all regions of the country during the American period. The Tagalogs, hailing Francisco F. Balagtas as the nations beginning(a) poet invented the balagtasan in his honor. Thebalagtasan is a debate in verse, a poetical joust done almost spontaneously between protagonists who debate over the pros and cons of an issue. The first balagtasan was held in March 1924 at the Instituto de Mujeres, with Jose Corazon d e deliveryman and Florentino Collantes as rivals, bubuyog (bee) and paru-paro (butterfly) aiming for the love of kampupot (jasmine).It was during this balagtasan that Jose Corazon de Jesus, known as Huseng Batute, emerged swaggering to become the first king of the Balagtasan. Jose Corazon de Jesus was the finest master of the genre. He was later followed by balagtasistas, Emilio Mar Antonio and Crescenciano Marquez, who also became King of the Balagtasan in their own time. As Huseng Batute, de Jesus also produced the finest poems and lyrics during the period. His debates with Amado V. Hernandez on the political issue of independence from America and nationhood were mostly done in verse and are testament to the vitality of Tagalog poetry during the era.Lope K. Santos, epic poem, Ang Panggingera is also proof of how poets of the period have come to master the language to be able to translate it into effective poetry. The balagtasan would be echoed as a poetical fiesta and would be d uplicated in the Ilocos as thebukanegan, in honor of Pedro Bukaneg, the supposed transcriber of the epic, Biag ni Lam-ang and theCrissottan, in Pampanga, in honor of the esteemed poet of the Pampango, Juan Crisostomo Sotto. In 1932, Alejandro G. Abadilla , armed with new criticism and an orientation onmodernist poetry would taunt traditional Tagalog poetics with the publication of his poem, Ako ang Daigdig. Abadillas poetry began the era of modernism in Tagalog poetry, a departure from the traditional rhymed, measured and orally recited poems. Modernist poetry which utilized free or blank verses was intended more for silent reading than oral delivery. famed poets in Tagalog during the American period were Julian Cruz Balmaceda, Florentino Collantes, Pedro Gatmaitan, Jose Corazon de Jesus, Benigno Ramos, Inigo Ed. Regalado, Ildefonso Santos, Lope K.Santos, Aniceto Silvestre, Emilio Mar.Antonio, Alejandro Abadilla and Teodoro Agoncillo. Like the writers in English who formed themselv es into organizations, Tagalog writers also formed the Ilaw at Panitik, and held discussions and workshops on the value of literature in society. Benigno Ramos, was one of the most politicized poets of the period as he aligned himself with the peasants of the Sakdal Movement. Fiction in Tagalog as well as in the other languages of the regions developed alongside the novel. Most fictionists are also novelists.Brigido Batungbakal , Macario Pineda and other writers chose to dwell on the vicissitudes of life in a changing rural landscape. Deogracias Del Rosario on the other hand, chose the urban center and the emerging social elite as subjects of his stories. He is considered the father of the modern short story in Tagalog Among the more popular fictionists who emerged during the period are two women writers, Liwayway Arceo and Genoveva Edroza Matute, considered forerunners in the use of light fiction, a kind of story telling that uses language through poignant rendition.Genoveva Edroz a Matutes Akoy Isang Tinig and Liwayway Arceos Uhaw ang Tigang na Lupa have been used as models of fine writing in Filipino by teachers of composition throughout the school system. Teodoro Agoncillos anthology 25 Pinakamahusay na Maiikling Kuwento (1945) included the foremost writers of fiction in the pre-war era.The separate, yet parallel developments of Philippine literature in English and those in Tagalog and other languages of the archipelago during the American period only prove that literature and writing in whatever language and in whatever climate are able to survive mainly through the active imagination of writers. Apparently, what was absentminded during the period was for the writers in the various languages to come together, share experiences and come to a conclusion on the elements that constitute good writing in the Philippines.
Media studies â⬠Life on Mars Essay
How does life on mars (2006) use optic codes, technical, audio and narrative codes to create a sense of excitement and encourage the sense of hearing to watch.In this first episode of Life on Mars there are many different codes and conventions use to make this series instantly appealing to the earreach. The episode is excellently paced and smartly directed, getting us into 1973 within 10 minutes and introducing new characters effortlessly.Sequence 1 of life on mars gets the audience instantly familiar with the genre, the episode begins with a practice of law car chasing down a suspect which quickly shows us this is a hybrid police crime drama. The diegetic salubriouss of police sirens and dogs along with the non diegetic music, a heartbeat which is corresponding with surface-to-air missile the detective in the police car creating question as we get a tint for how surface-to-air missile is picture as the heartbeat signifies his nerves also introducing the audience to protagon ist surface-to-air missile Tyler, these audio codes score up to create an excite police chase which again expresses the genre of Life on Mars.Once out of the car Sam is pressure to chase his primary suspect down an ally way in a council estate in the city giving the audience a feel for the mount. The music isnt as dramatic while the chase is happening but speeds up during more dramatic parts of the chase which creates suspense. Cinema-verte is used when put down the chase which makes the audience feel almost part of the chase, this entertaining filming technique and creative use of music makes Life on Mars exciting to the audience creating enigma and promote them to watch on. This chase takes us up to Colin Raimes arrest bringing us to sequence 2.In sequence 2 Sams colleague and girlfriend, Maya, are interviewing suspect Colin Raimes. Sam and Maya facing Colin and his lawyers, which creates tension between these two sets of people. During the interview there is a dummy up up o f Colin Raimes which engages the audience creating tension and increasing the viewers curiosity as to what this suspect has done and makes them wonder has he done it or not?The diegetic recording sound in the background shows the viewers the interview is being recorded and shows the viewers the seriousness of the situation, the room is dark with little light which creates a professional mood, the dark setting is a technique used to scare the suspect in to talking, perfect for the situation. The narrative codes in this sequence reveal allot round Colin Raimes as he gets upset by the images he is being shown, we learn Colin sees a psychiatrist and his lawyers talk about how kids would throw fireworks at him on his estate. This is evidence to show that Colin is dangerous and is possibly mad, the audience may take pity on him or take a different view on the suspect, this makes the viewers curious and increases their deficiency to watch on.After the interview in sequence 3, Maya isnt done with the suspect and decides to follow him on her own, only to be kidnapped. Once Maya is kidnapped Sam becomes worrisome and heads out looking for her, there is a close up of Sams face and he is distressed with tears running from his eyes. This visual codes ordain make the audience feel sympathetic towards Sam and shows us perhaps he is feeling stronger than only friendship for Maya. Sams nerves eventually get the better of him when he has to break down the car to refresh himself, standing there half-heartedlyhe says into himself, The world is a scary place again this shows the audience he is thinking about Maya and wants to drive her increasing their sympathy for him and overall making the viewers want to remain to watch to see the conclusion. The different audio codes used express Sams feeling for Maya as the non diegetic music plays softly whilst he cries and thinks about her, this corresponds with the visual codes creating a sympathetic feel for the protagonist makin g the audience pity him. Sam is unintentionally struck by a speeding vehicle which brings me to sequence four.Sam is struck very unexpectedly and this may have came as a shock to the audience, the accident is very unexpected and this is done deliberately to shock the audience as this scene is key to the viewers as it is where the storyline unfolds as by and by this it is based in 1973, where Sam time travels back in time.The diegetic sounds used are very impacting, when the car hits Sam, initially there is a loud sound to signify he has been hit, after this all that can be heard is silence which corresponds with how the audience will feel, as they will be shocked at what has just happened. This creates enigma and increases the viewers curiosity to keep watching and they are now introduced to how Life on Mars is going to take place. (back in time) will Sam be okay? what will happen next? are few of the questions the audience will be asking making them exciting and encouraging them to keep watching.Once Sam is hit and the audience are aware of what happened there is a close up of him laying vulnerably on the ground, this close up shot shows his eyes, wide open but yet not moving, with only police sirens and a heartbeat which is corresponding with Sams as he lays on the tarmac, creating tension and making the audience question if he is even alive. This close up then changes to a high shot as the camera lento moves up, looking down on Sam which shows how empty the road is, no traffic just him. This suggests a change in time and expresses to the audience what has happened introducing them to 1973. These visual and technical codes all raise the audiences awareness causing them to ask questions and want to know the conclusion.Sequence five is the most important as, Sam wakes up to find himself in 1973, complete with 1970s era costume and an 8-track playing Life on Mars in a car. Dazed and confused, Sam wanders back to the police precinct he works at, only to fin d it filled with cigarette-smoking, gum-chewing strangers hes never seen before. The music is significant as before the crash David Bowies 1970s var. Life on Mars was playing on Sams ipod in the car. This is strange as he has travelled back in time to when this song was just out and extremely popular.Sams feeling are conveyed in different ways, with voices in his head from when he was a boy repeating, where are you? as he wakes up in a forest, obviously not where he was before. Creating enigma for the audience and making them aware of the time change increasing their excitement and want to rest watching.When Sam stands up in 1973, with no clue as to where he is the camera is low angled and is circling him while Life on Mars plays which genuinely creates a confusing atmosphere showing that Sam does not know what is going on. This technical camera work helps to express Sams feelings and shows the audience a broader misgiving of whats going on.Everything has changed in Sams world, The set designs and costumes effectively evoke the era, as well as the grittiness of the run-down neighbourhood and police precinct. Everything feels straight out of the 70s, from the clothing to the cars to the horridly ugly decorating in Sams apartment.Throughout the episode, Sam hears hospital noises and doctor voices and at one point sees a person on late night TV talking like a doctor describing Sam being in a coma. Sam becomes increasingly convinced that he truly is in a coma, and that none of this world is real. he believes it is all part of his imagination. These are some of the ways in which Sam portrays his feelings to the audience during this sequence. Which allows the audience to get to know Sam and begin to have a feel for his character encouraging them to continue to watch Life on Mars.Later Sam meets a young police officer named Annie Cartwright who he begins to open up to and express his opinion and at one point tells herI had an accident and when I woke up, I was he re. Only here is 33 years in the past. Now, that either makes me a time-traveller, a lunatic, or Im lying in a hospital bed in 2006 and none of this is real.This quotation of what he says gives the audience insight into how he feels about the whole situation, this again allows the audience to engage with Sam and feel what he is going through, the audience will grow a certain like for Sam and this creates a sense of excitement and encourages the audience to continue to watch Life on Mars.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Reel Injin vs. Doctor Lawyer Indian Chief
Coastlands of moving pictures cave in somehow, directly or indirectly, touched on the subject of primaeval issues. The Reel speck and Doctor, Lawyer, Indian Chief are Just a couple of examples. After comparing the two films, I believe that the Reel disgrace is the better- suited picture show to be studied by my grade 9 discriminate. This is true since the film is much interesting to the epoch group, the timeline is broader, and it addresses inbred issues in greater detail. The film, the Reel Injury is more interesting for a class of grade gs than Doctor,Lawyer, Indian Chief. The film Doctor, Lawyer, Indian Chief is much harder for the students to relate to. Doctor, Lawyer, Indian Chief was made in 1986 and while the Reel Injury was made recently, in 2009. When students are viewing this film it could be distracting and feel dated since the film was made over 25 years ago. Since 1986, there have been drastic improvements in the way films are being shot and the picture qualit y. Everything that the grade 9 class has been viewing in modern media has been in the similar format as the Reel Injury and has similarly contains the same fashions and appearances.Since the Reel Injury was filmed within the last 5 years, students usher out connect more with the language, art form and media quality. The Reel Injury contains more action, which students leave behind find more interesting. The Reel Injury contains movie clips from over the past century whereas Doctor, Lawyer, Indian Chief is strictly interviews. As a result of the Reel Injury incorporating movie clips, it adds extra action. The higher level of action will keep the students intrigued and they will pay more attention to the information. The format for Doctor, Lawyer, Indian Chief is ere dull as it just contains non-fiction clips taken by the Director.The timeline in which the Reel Injury contains is greatest to Doctor, Lawyer, Indian Chief. The Reel Injury shows the progression over time. Cree fil m ber Neil Diamond takes an entertaining and insightful look at the Hollywood Indian, exploring the portrayal of North American Natives through a century of cinema. (Aquatint). The Reel Injury in traveling through a century of cinema whereas Doctor, Lawyer, Indian Chief is only cogitate on the year of 1986. This is less effective in showing the regression of how things are improving.As a result of the improvements being noted, students will be more inspired, and can have hope towards solving the issues completely one day. Doctor, Lawyer, Indian Chief only focuses on the year in which the film was made. A quote from the explanation of the film states that Each of these women talks close to how she got to where she is today (Geodes). However where she is today was in the year of 1986, when the documentary film was produced. As a result of the film being produced so long ago the stories are now irrelevant as the runner state of native women in the workplace has drastically change d.When the film the Reel Injury displays the information with a timeline, starting a century ago, it is event how far we have come and also how far we need to go. This provides an idea of hope, but also shows that there is still a problem for natives today. The Reel Injury deals with native issues to a greater extent than the film Doctor, Lawyer, Indian Chief. Doctor. Lawyer, Indian Chief focuses only on the positive side of things. Comparatively, the Reel Injury exposes what is wrong with the way native people are portrayed. A tribute to Native women everywhere, this short documentary focuses on 5 Native women from across Canada They have achieved success in a variety of careers (Geodes) is a quote from the National Film Board when describing the film. The film is not a documentary to expose native issues but a tribute to native women who have successful careers. This is not effective for a class of grade 9 students, as they will not think there are any issues. Doctor, Lawyer, Ind ian Chief will not inspire anyone to make a change towards the native obstacles we are errantly facing.Doctor, Lawyer, Indian Chief takes a more positive approach as it only talks about successes with native women in the work place. The Reel Injury however exposes problems within the film industry. This will inspire people to look into more issues relating to natives. When the students start thinking about their own stereotypes towards natives that are exhibited in the movie, they will become more aware of what is wrong with societies view. This will inspire the students to further their own research on native issues. From this it could grow to help change al of the obstacles natives are facing today.Showing a movie, which incorporates the stereotypes natives are dealing with, can make students change their own views on natives. traveling through the heartland of America, and into the Canadian North, Diamond looks at how the myth of the Injury has influenced the worlds understandin g and misunderstanding of Natives. (Bantering). This is a direct quote from the National Film Board website and outlines what the movie addresses. While this myth is being exposed in the movie, it could change the views of the dents in the class.The ultimate goal of the moviegoers was to try an expose the myth of the Injury directly within the film industry but also within all of society. I believe the film met this goal and therefore would help in changing the stereotypes of natives that the students believe. In conclusion, the Reel Injury is the better-suited movie, in comparison to the Doctor, Lawyer, Indian Chief, to be studied by my grade 9 class. The Reel Injury is more interesting to the age group, it has a superior timeline, and it addresses native issues ore effectively.
Critical Analysis of Langston Hughesââ¬â¢ ââ¬ÅI, Tooââ¬Â Essay
Langston Hughes wrote the poem, I, Too in the midst of the Harlem Renaissance, a period of Black the Statesn history which brought to commence unique views of the world through the eyes of a people who were often subjugated and downtrodden. Issues of racial prejudice were prevalent during the Harlem Renaissance and segregation a detail of life. In the poem, I,Too, Hughes brings tending to this subjugation by portraying the life of a black male servant.He puts forth his views of the treatment other people of his hunt have long had to endure through the masterful use of symbolism, irony and simple style. There are many examples of symbolism in the poem, I, Too. the States is used as a symbol to portray the concepts of equality, diversity, and perseverance. By reminding readers that the country allowed and condoned segregation of his race, Hughes points out that although this was a form subjugation, it could be overcome.Even though America was at fault, the country still provided o pportunities for those who would dare to try harder, to grow stronger, to push past the embarrassment of being labeled differently. America could still hold intrust for people of any race. As well, the use of the word I in both the poems title and throughout the verses, is a symbol. Hughes uses himself as the quintessential example of his Black American heritage in a way that provokes the reader to think about he, and his race, are perceived.In using the title, I, Too, Langston Hughes portrays himself as yet another symbol of a portion of the American population. Repetitive use of the word they refers to his employers, who are presumably unclouded, and therefore symbolize the rest of American society (Hughes, in Madden, page ). Their treatment of him, such as making him eat in the kitchen, becomes the representation of the way Black Americans, in general, are treated. By using these personal terms, Hughes has managed to employ symbolism in a way that also connects him to others.Hu ghes also states I, too, sing America and here he is using irony, as such a thing is not really possible. The irony is that he praises America and its values while at the same time drawing attention to the way he is seen as somehow inferior to others because of the color of his skin. The ending lines, which include the phrase theyllbe ashamed are also ironic (Hughes, in Madden, page ). The poem was written to highlight the fact that Black Americans have been treated as something to be ashamed of and Hughes denounces this fact, creating irony by stating the obvious.Read overlyCritical Essay Topic IdeasThis use of irony portrays Hughes condemnation of certain aspects of society. The easy diction of the poem belies its deeper meaning. Through the use of simple vocabulary and kinda unusual syntax, Hughes delivers a powerful message in a manner that even a casual reader can understand. Short phrases easily pealing of the tongue while breaking some of them up into odd lines makes the r eader think about their meaning in a different, but directed, way.By adding breaks surrounded by such passages as tomorrow and Ill be at the table, Hughes creatively draws attention to the fact that he, and his race, will be stronger, and richer, and more respected when the White people of America least expect it (Hughes, in Madden, page ). In this way, too, does Hughes bring the tense of the poem from present to future. Hughes is adept at using diction to define the tone and deepen the understanding of underlying themes in his poetry. Langston Hughes reputation as an important poet and author was based on works such as I, Too which state a profound issue in simple terms.By analyzing the usage of symbolism, irony, and the diction Hughes employs, the more important, underlying, concepts come to light. Hughes does this by reiterating the fundamental self-exaltation and love he retains for the country of America while subtly pointing out the way Black Americans are treated as hypocri tical and unfair. America is a land founded on freedoms, and equality, diversity, and perseverance are the qualities which will allow all citizens, regardless of skin color, to reach their goals and realize their dreams.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Social Work, Poverty & Homeless
Poverty and Homeless March 20, 2012 Poverty and Homeless Poverty Poverty can be defined in several ways and can mean different things to large number of different societies. Absolute penury is to confound inadequate funds to provide a stripped-down standard of living for oneself or ones family. Relative penury is defined as doing worse off financially than the average person in a given society. Persons living in relative poverty may have no car, no television, and no toys for their children but have enough funds for clothing, food and shelter.Relative to the average Americans, they are living poorly. A person or family living in absolute poverty, on the early(a) hand, may not have enough money to pay for the rent or groceries for the month. These different ways of defining poverty are debated by governing officials and researchers. How poverty is defined is inbuilt to the task of reducing its prevalence in society. Statistics With 18. 2% (U. S. Census, 2006-2008) of people i n the United States are living below the poverty level, it is increasingly important that the government should take measures regarding this context.Poverty thresholds or income levels is dependent on the number of family members. Poverty in United States of America is unique in nature with 13-17% Americans live below the poverty line in America. Although total poverty is virtually nonexistent in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries, national measures indicate the presence of frugal deprivation. For example, in the United States in 2006, 38. 8 million people, or 13. 3% of the population, fell below the federal poverty line (Fields, 2000).In the United States, the poverty threshold was ceremonious in 1965 based on the cost of food, taking into account household size and composition but making no adjustment for regional differences in cost of living. The threshold is adjusted annually for inflation. For example, in 2007, the federal poverty thr eshold for a family of three, with one adult and two children, was $16,705far above the extreme world poverty measure but well below the national average income (Filmer, 2001). Geographic LocaleOf the people living below the poverty level in the United States, 44% live in rural areas, and approximately 56% live in urban/suburban locales. Many of the contemporary stories depict characters in urban and suburban settings where people are living on the streets, in shelters, in their cars, or in apartments and homes. Race/Ethnicity An analysis of the portrayal of race is very complicated. In the United States Census Bureau (2006-2008) shows that there is more White people living in poverty in the United States than any other racial group.However, if one looks at the percentage of people living below the poverty line within racial groups, the statistics For instance, of the total number of poor people living in the United States, 46. 06% are White however, of all of the White people livi ng in the United States, only 9. 2% are poor. Also, bandage only 1. 5% of the poor people living in the United States are Native Americans, within that population, 25. 3% are living in poverty. In other words, one out of 10 White people live in poverty versus one out of four Native Americans living in poverty (Hanushek, 2007).Negative Effects of Poverty 1. Increasing the debt and loans to meet individual consumer needs and necessities instead of working on plans for Renaissance and the construction and reconstruction. 2. Peoples economic dependence of countries and peoples of the sponsor loans and debt, and the consequent negative impact in all aspects and sides. 3. Increase the exploitation and monopoly, and thus increase the poor poorer and the rich richer, because the poor because of their strong need to be unable to compete are subject to the conditions. . lamentable often cannot because of lack of money to have on the use of modern technology and modern techniques. 5. Poor o ften are busy filling his hunger for knowledge and culture there remains sufficient time for learning and culture. 6. Illiteracy, ignorance and backwardness as say above. 7. Increasing the rate of mortality, where the link amid all the experts most of the diseases of poverty, and thus the terminal of many people have mentioned the impact of hunger in the death of children (Levin, 2004). Root-Cause of PovertyPoverty is a big subject and an area of policy which affects every part of the USA. It is not much known about but impossible to hide. The poor domiciliate it, the middle class and the rich pay taxes to relieve it but at the same time they have always sought measures to contain and neutralize the poor. triune factors operating at various interconnected scales cause poverty. Globally, uneven trade and capital flows lead to poverty through exclusion from the benefits of economic growth. Access to urine and natural resources, transportation, and climate also shape physical abi lities and economic opportunities.International and national policies influence poverty directly, through aid, subsidies, and antipoverty programs, and indirectly, through economic policies that affect the allocation of resources between people, regions, and industries. While some argue that individual characteristics such as education and the work ethic are paramount in explaining poverty, others insist that social and economic structures define capabilities based on gender, class, caste, race, religion, and other forces. Women are often denied access to education, paid employment, health care, financial resources, and political participation because of their gender.While these socially embedded practices reave women of economic opportunities and basic freedoms, they also contribute to poverty indirectly through fertility and child care (Psacharopoulos, 2004). In the United States, the rise of working poverty has been linked to economic restructuring and the decline of the welfare state. The role of these factors varies from place to place and underscores the importance of geography in understanding poverty. Poverty has increased recently in Western Asia and remains fairly constant in Latin America. References Fields, G. (2000). Distribution and development a new look at the developing world.Cambridge & London MIT Press. Filmer, D. , & Pritchett, L. (2001). Estimating wealthiness effects without expenditure data or tears an application to educational enrollments in states of India. Demography, 38(1). Hanushek, E. A. , & Wo? mann, L. (2007). The role of school improvement in economic development. NBER Working report 12832. Cambridge, Mass. National Bureau of Economic Research. Psacharopoulos, G. , & Patrinos, H. (2004). Returns to investment in education a further update. Education Economics, 12(2), Levin, B. (2004). Poverty and inner-city education. Horizons, 7(2),
Kinds of influences that affect children and young personsââ¬â¢ development including
(a)Personal factors (health), (2.1) (b)External factors (environment), (2.2)Answer(a)Personal factors that influence/affect baby birdren and young persons development (health)Disabilities such as blindness, deafness, and other physical handicaps seat originator learning loss as the child therefore is physic all toldy hindered and as we know all areas of development are interlinked, so the others will be affect causing delays and often full capability.Illnesses specially life threatening or disabling such as Polio or Cancer precedents delays in all round development as these deal affect muscle development both major and fine motor, and often never fully develop ascribable to the damaging effects of these diseases to their body. Also, long terms in Hospital or confinement in bed, frailty of body etc. prevent them from physical labor such as running, skipping, etc. Long absences from school, family, as well as limited interaction socially and physically with other children thei r age, can in almost(prenominal) cases also affect their other areas of development such as their social, physical, cognitive/intellectual development.Learning difficulties ADHD, ADD, Autism, Downs syndrome etc. all affect a child and young persons ability to develop cognitively, therefore it inhibits the general designing of development. For example, one of the symptoms of ADHD is low muscle tone which is ascribable to abnormal chemical balances in the sensation ADHD is caused by differences in neurotransmitter patterns in certain parts of the brain. Neurotransmitters are chemicals that make it possible for nerve impulses to choke from one nerve cell to another, and therefore play an essential role in the functioning of thebrain.The brain performs a vast range of tasks or functions, allowing us, for instance, to see, hear, think, chat and move. Each function is performed by a different part of the brain. In individuals with ADHD there are lower than normal levels of certain neurotransmitters (especially dopamine) in the regions of the brain that are responsible for regulating behaviour and attention. Research also confirms that the Norepinephrine system is also involved in some patients.Further Resources (http// freshman/Attention-Deficit-Hyperactivity-Disorder-20120721)Chemical asymmetry Children who have ADD may not make enough chemicals in key areas of the brain that are responsible for organizing thought.Experts believe an imbalance of the chemicals that helps nerve cells in the brain communicate with each other, called neurotransmitters, may be a factor in the development of ADD symptoms. Without enough of these chemicals, the organizing centers of the brain dont compute well.http// factors (environment), (2.2)Family Environment or care status is a very important factor in a child/young persons development who cares for the child? Is it a regular two parent family, a one parent family or a split family, with two sets of parents, or a large extended family living together in one home? These can all have differing some positive and other situations often can have adverse affects.Is the care regular and consistent or is it irregular and so disruptive for the developing child? Culturally families differ and the child faculty not have their parents caring for them but instead elderly Grandparents and this can have an adverse affect on a child who is growing up in a nation that usually has western ideals in parenting the Father and Mother are usually the direct caregivers.Poverty is usually a disallow factor in a childs development and their environment as a whole. They usually live in small homes in vulnerable areas, with high crime statistics, noise putting the child in constant threat of harm and a lack of a sense of peace and safety. sustenance is usually not as ample or nutritious as it is in a home with a better income, often the only income beingness benefits or maybe one salary from a single parent. Their health may be neglected overdue to lack of monies for good health care, especially in nations where it is not government sponsored.Children and young people, as a result of poverty, may be subjected to care givers or parents who may be substance abusers due to printing often due to having a poor income or lack thereof because of unemployment. This may result in neglect, abuse or in some cases even desertion. This then leads to the child being placed under the custody of other caregivers and often the state, so disrupting the childs life. This often results in a lack of a sense of belonging and self worth in the child and can be carried with them into young adulthood.This can all add tension to a child and they may develop anger and feelings of resentment towards themselves, their family/care givers and society as a whole. As teenagers these children can develop severe depression and this ca n lead to high mortality rates and low life expectancy in many impoverished communities.Education is an important factor in all round development, and whether the parent/care giver is able to spend time with the child, send them to early development classes such as nursery schools or Moms and Toddler workshops etc., where various methods of teaching and activities are centered around the expected pattern of development. Some parents prefer to Home School their children and this may hinder the childs social, and often physical and cognitive development due to lack of interaction with other children their own age, as well as learning resources.Some children may be affected by being placed in school too early and therefore may appear to be behind in their learning and development. This may lead to the child struggling to keep up with their peers. Gender affects learning too as girls usually develop at a faster rate all round, maturing earlier than boys.Siblings and other children can s timulate development as the child studies have shown that children usually learn through and copy other children around them, and this can install a healthy sense of competitiveness. A hindrance may be cultural differences in education as well as language. If a child is learning in another language this may have an adverse affect on their learning and understanding. This can further influence their cognitive and social development as they are unable to think and communicate easily in an unfamiliar language, and this can cause embarrassment and frustration.All areas of development are interlinked and so when one is negatively affected so the rest are usually inhibited, therefore affecting the expected pattern and rate of development in a child and young person.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Creation of the World
The creation of the world has many different theories but according to Christian beliefs In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. (Genesis 1) The password states that God created the world is a 7 sidereal day time frame in which he started when God created first created light and separated the light from the darkness, occupation light day and darkness night. On his second day of work God created an huge area to separate the waters and called it sky. On his third God created the dry ground and gathered the waters, calling the dry ground land, and the gathered waters seas. , God also created plants and trees. Then on the fourth day God created the sun, moon, and the stars to give light to the earth to separate the day and the night. On the fifth day God created every living creature of the seas and every winged bird. On the sixth day God created the animals to fill the earth. On day six, God also created man and women bringing humans to the world for the first time. Adam and eve were the first humans that God created, man out of dust and woman out of man. God gave them champion rule and that was not to eat of the fruit on one particular tree in the Garden of Eden. Eve was talked into eating the fruit by the serpent, and then she convinced Adam to eat of it as well. When they had disobeyed God, they felt ashamed and naked so they hid from him. After talking with them, he punished them by banishing them from the Garden. This was the day sin entered the world and mans nature is right off sadly a sinful nature.This is why God sent his son to die on the cross for our sins so that we have the chance to live with him one day for eternity. This is how humans first had to encounter a real live situation and choose between good and evil. Finally on day 7 God had finished his work of creation and so he rested on the seventh day, blessing it and making it holy, and that is why Christians celebrate church and bus on Sundays that being the seventh and f inal day of the week.
Romantic or Classical
Matthew Arnolds The Function of Criticism at the Present Time is a criticism in itself of what great literary artists could mystify through and what publications could have become. In depth, Arnolds rifle discusses his critical and personal perspectives on the role of criticism in consequentially transforming not only writings however to a fault the landscape of hunting lodge positively and structurally as well.Furthermore, Arnold sought to streng past his arguments on the matter and present a re only whental of the respective(a) criticisms put forth against his ideas and points of view, and prove that criticisms are of great importance in fuelling creativity and facts of support the advancement of literature. However, Arnold implicitly distinguished differences between the positive and constructive types of criticism as compared to the off-putting and unconstructive nature of some criticism.Arnold argued that a critic whitethorn with advantage seize an occasion for trying his own conscience, and for petition himself of what real service, at any given moment, the practice of criticism either is or may be made to his own mind and spirit, and to the minds and spirits of others. (pp. 414) Arnolds arguments on the ideal nature of critics formulated his perspectives on how and when criticisms may be considered valuable.Under the pretexts of Arnolds arguments, we realize that unless criticisms are aimed towards the greater approximate that is, to present censures and critiques for the purpose of fuelling creativity, encourageing change and advancement, and ultimately to affect a change that would positively and constructively change the lives of man and the landscape of society they are deemed ineffectual or inadequate. Arnold also discussed creativity under the context of developing literature.Arnold said, It is undeniable that the exercise of a creative power, that a unleash creative activity, is the highest function of man it is proved to be so by mans finding in it his true happiness. (pp. 414) The multifaceted structure of the human mind allows man to express creativity in so many ways and create different outcomes out of it, such as the preparation of creativity through developing criticisms and then consequently formulating good literature.The excerpt from Arnolds Sweetness and Light, he explored the dynamics of culture based on the motivations that constitute a part of its bases or foundations. Arnold said, Culture is then decent described not as having its origin in curiosity, but as having its origin in the love of perfection it is a study of perfection. It moves by the thread but also of the moral and social passion for doing good. (pp.427-248) Since Arnold has framed the origins of culture not on mere curiosity, but on mans proneness to seek and create perfection, he said that culture then serves a greater purpose to creative positive and constructive change, accomplish human needs, and foster the convalescenc e of human nature. By and large, the arguments of Arnold meet the standards and dynamics of romantic aesthetics and metrical composition. Based on Welleks discussions on the Classical and quixotic movements, classical poem was defined as poem for the dead term romantic poetry was defined as poetry for the living. (pp. 259) The primary difference between the Classical and Romantic movements that set the distinction between the nature of classical and romantic poetry lies in the major themes that constitute the dynamics of each style. Wellek said, Ancient religion and the life are past and gone, and hence classical, while for instance, America, discovered in modern times, is romantic. (pp. 260) Since Arnolds perspectives and arguments were related to the development of the present time, the society, and expansion of human nature, his views on poetry are romantic in nature.2. Abrams Theories of Art Abrams theories on art were primarily tied to the modernist perspective of critic ism. In the discussion on the Orientation of captious Theories, which were attributed to art, the modernist perspective of see, realizing the significance, and interpreting art foc recitationd on a single perspective, and that is of the artist, and not on the many factors that exist in arts out-of-door environment that contribute criticism and interpretations to it.The aesthetic opening, as Abrams defined, displays its full measure of rhetoric and logomachy which seem and inseparable part of mans discourse approximately all things that really matter Its aim, however, is not to express correlations between facts which will enable us to predict the future by reference to the past, but to establish principles enabling us to justify, order, and clarify our interpretation and appraisal of the aesthetic facts themselves. (pp.2) Abrams definition of the aesthetic theory of viewing art leads us to understand that interpreting and labeling meanings on pieces of art should be based on established principles of aesthetics. On the other hand, the critical theory of viewing art has its own kind of validity much(prenominal) a criterion will, of course, justify not one, but a number of valid theories, all in their several ways of self-consistent, applicable, and relatively adequate to the scarper of aesthetic phenomena. (pp.3) If the aesthetic theory of poetry lies in the principles and nature of aesthetics as seen on the perspective of the artist, the critical theory of viewing art is pendant on the existence of standards and decisive factors, which literally and actually define the features that watch up art and the pennants that define aesthetics. Another theory of art criticism discussed by Abrams is the view of art within four elements or coordinates the universe, the work, the artist, and the audience.In this theory, the interpretations of art are oriented in the perspectives of one of the factors within the external environment of art. The pragmatic theo ry, as opposed to the aesthetic and critical theories of viewing art sees art as a vehicle for the artists accomplishment of a higher mark or objective. Art, in this case, becomes a tool utilized to achieve something meaningful to the artist, or even the factors that constitute arts external environment.If the pragmatic theory sees art as an instrument to do something, the expressive theory on the other hand, sees art as a vehicle to express the artists thoughts and emotions. Art, in this case, is personal that results from the artists thoughts and emotion translated to a concrete piece of art. Another theory defined by Abrams is the objective theory of viewing art. This particular theory focuses on the facts and standards of art.The act of viewing art is by looking at the art in itself, and not considering the thoughts and perspectives contributed by the factors existing in its external environment. Art, in this case, is seen and interpreted as is. Based on the definitions of Abra ms of the different theories of viewing art, Eliots poetry subscribes the orientation of perspectives and interpretations of art to the four factors elements of coordinates of art, specifically the perspectives and interpretations of the audience, while Hulmes poetry subscribes to the expressive and pragmatic theories of art criticism.Eliot himself defined the views and perspectives of art as something that should be personal and experienced by the audience, that is because the audience enjoy the poetry and not because the audience acquired the scholarship to appreciate art. (Scofield, pp. 1) Hulmes poetry, on the other hand, was defined as an instrument to express language that is real, affecting or charitable to human emotions. (Comentale & Gasiorek, pp. 98) 3. Abrams Theories in Virginia Woolfs advanced FictionVirginia Woolfs Modern Fiction is an exploration of the features of art and literature from the past until present time, which sets isolated classical art and literature and the modern representations of art and literature. Woolf discussed the two arguments on the difference between the concrete art and literature materials that constitute the classical and modernist perspectives, but ultimately admired the simplicity in time timelessness of classical works on art and literature.Woolf said, that the works of classical artists or writers certainly have a strange air of simplicity but were representations of accomplishments that we can scarcely refrain from whispering that the fight was not so fierce for them as for us considering the complexness and the demands of writing in our modern world. (Woolf) Certainly, there is something about the features of the classical perspectives on art and literature that allow them to withstand the passage of time and modernity, that is the flesh of their work has a living, breathing, everyday imperfection which bids us take liberties with it we choose. (Woolf) Woolf continues to set the distinction between the cla ssical and modern literature in order to construct the simulation of the foundations of modern literature that makes it incomparable to the eminence and distinction awarded to classical arts and literature. However, Woolf ascertained one thing, and that is, the dynamics and position of modern literature is still questionable as compared to the solid stand up of classical literature.After all, Woolf said, We only know that certain gratitudes and hostilities inspire us, that certain paths seem to lead to fertile land, others to the dust and the desert, and of this perhaps it may be worthwhile to attempt some account. (Modern Fiction) By this, Woolf meant that art and literature is something unprompted and natural, which are borne out of the creativity of artists or literary writers. At this point, the foundations of modern literature have been presented as something that is compliant and accommodating to the artist or literary writer.While on the other hand, classical art and lite rature remains as hurtleful and influential because it talks about the realities of life. This feature or characteristic of classical art and literature seem to blur the standing or position of modern art and literature because its dynamics cannot be contained in a single word of definition due to its compliance to miscellaneous factors, and that is on the varying perspectives of modern artists and writers. Woolf said, this may be, the problem before the novelist at present, as we suppose it to have been in the past, is to contrive means of being free to set down what he chooses.He has to have the courage to say that what interests him is not longer this but that out of that alone must he construct his work. (Modern Fiction) In simpler terms, the desire and inclination of modern artists and literary writers to present something that deviates from established classical arts and literature become the problems and difficulties that challenge their courage and faculty to present art istic and literary works set against the backdrop of our modern world.Based on the thoughts and points of view discussed by Woolf in Modern Fiction, we realize that it subscribes to the expressive theory and the coordinates of art criticism, specifically on the varying perspectives of art and literature from the viewpoint of the artist, the audience, and society or the world. Woolf has comprehensively discussed how modern literature constitutes the individual and unique expression of the artist or the writer, according to his personal perspectives and interest that deviate from established standards from the classical movement.4. Modernism The emergence of modernness as a trend in arts and literature, which consequently influenced the changes in the cultural and aesthetic identities in the West, was as Lewis put it, has been gradual and imperceptible. (De Descriptione Temporum) However, as a means to discuss how the world has short witnessed the inception of modernist perspective s, Lewis explored the fusion between the Medieval and Renaissance movements that have brought about changes in the culture and aesthetic identities of society as a whole.Lewis said that although the force and influence of modernism was unnoticed by many, it may be felt or realized by contrasting societys culture and aesthetic identities with the culture and aesthetic identities of the past. Lewis continues to reiterate that the changes and transformations that we see at present time were borne out of the continuous evolution of the past. Therefore, it was safe for Lewis to say that our culture and aesthetic identities at present time were a fusion between the Medieval and Renaissance movements that evolved and continually changed through the passage of time.As Lewis said, nothing is quite new it was always in some way anticipated or prepared for. (De Descriptione Temporum) From Lewis discussions, we understand that between the periods of time as defined by the author, that is in a metaphorical sense Between Jane Austen and us, but not between her and Shakespeare, Chaucer, Alfred, Virgil, or the Pharaohs, comes the birth of the machines. (De Descriptione Temporum) I believe that beyond Lewis thoughts and perspectives on the matter, the persistent creativity and conscious and curious nature of human beings have progressively influenced the shift in the culture and aesthetic identity in the West. In Scotts book Refiguring Modernism Postmodern womens rightist Readings of Woolf, West, and Barnes, the authors definition of modernism was similar to Lewis discussions on how the continuous evolution of culture and aesthetic identities through the passage of time have been the precursor to modernism.According to Scott, the inception of modernism is similar to a spider web. The spiders actions of repeatedly attaching, launching out into the unknown, and landing for the next anchoring point suggests agency, poly valence, and the ability to make selective use of existin g structures, or to seek new ones not all of them man-made. (Scott, pp. xv) What Scott meant was that growth and development is a natural part of life. Man is continually learning, which consequently influences the fundament of new theories and ideas that are integrated into mans way of life and nature.Therefore, the changes in culture and aesthetic identities are brought about the desire of man to make something more out of art and his creativity. This same inclination of human nature to change and look to transform culture and aesthetic identities have been the same grounds for the formation of different periods in time, from the Medieval to the Renaissance in the West, and so on. Lewis said, our assumption that everything is provisional and soon to be superseded, that the attainment of goods we have never yet had, rather than the defence and conservation of those we have already, is the cardinal business of life. (De Descriptione Temporum) The transformation of the Old Wester n Culture and aesthetic identities during that period of time to modernism, may then be defined as a fusion of mans desire to reveal or express change that is meant to overpower the existing cultural, social, and policy-making landscape of society during that time to develop a more progressive and vanguard culture and aesthetic identity that sets itself as a better society than the past.Works Cited Comentale, Edward P. & Gasiorek, Andrzej. T. E. Hulme and the Question of Modernism. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. , 2006. Lewis, C. S. De Descriptione Temporum, an Inaugural Lecture from The Chair of Mediaeval and Renaissance Literature in Cambridge University, 1954. In C. S. Lewis, They Asked for a Paper. London, Geoffrey Bles, 1962, pp. 9-25. Retrieved from The University of Cincinnati. 06 May 2009. Scofield, Martin. T. S. Eliot The Poems. Cambridge University Press, 1988. Scott, Bonnie Kim. Refiguring Modernism Postmodern Feminist Readings of Woolf, West, and Barnes. Indiana University Press, 1995. Wellek, Rene. A History of Modern Criticism 1750-1950. CUP Archive, 1981. Woolf, Virginia. (2004). Modern Fiction. Retrieved from emailprotected 06 May 2009.
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